Pt 13 Continued.

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Edit:the story in reality ended at trial part 3. However, Im still continuing because that was so left with that feeling of unfinished, so Im doing a possible outcome. Yes, this is still cannon of my au, but you can think of this like a whole another story.
Because it is, and it had much more angst.
I love angst.

Shuichi was scared.
Scared of the rocks falling onto him,
Then he felt, his lungs being crushed by the fallen academy.
He closed his eyes, wanting this to end as soon as possible.

He died.
Everyone died.
Danganronpa, ended.
They were dead.

But it was strange, indeed.
He started hearing noises, and altpugh all he saw was black, he kept concionussness.
İt wasnt nice.
İt wasnt peaceful.
İs he realy dead?
Then, if so being dead isnt as peaceful as he tought.

He wanted to move, to open his eyes.
But being dead, they dont work.
Emotions, doesnt work.
Then, since he is strangely able to hear, he listened.

All he cpuld hear was some waters sound, as he was being drowned.
Of course, he wasnt drowning but it felt like it.
He didnt like it.
Then, he started hearing noises.
They were ruffled at first, he didnt get them.
Then,they became more clear.

He opened his eyes, only to see maki loookimg at him.
She checked his pulse.
Then relieving, saying that he was alive.
Then himiko rushed at him, happy.
Why were they alive?

İt didnt matter, he looked at that big black hole, hole thats connecting the real world with here.
Only the 3 was alive, ready to continue on.
They talked a bit, then continued.
Going to the real world, maybe they would die in the progress, it didnt matter.
Dying didnt matter.
They continued, wondering, curious.
Curios of death, wondering the other side.
They continued, not hoping or despair.
They just continued on.
Maybe it ended. But they continued.
The end, doesnt matter to them. İts jjst some words, making some sense and no sense.

İn the end, they continued on.
And thats all matters.

 Never Died  danganronpa KaimakiWhere stories live. Discover now