Pt 3 How?

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???? pov

I woke up, hardly oppened my eyes. Where am I? What.. Happened?..... İt.. I... I.. Cant..why does breathing hurt? İts Black

Shuichi pov

I woke up happy today. I dont feel hungry I dont have time to eat anyways. I want to check on Kaede.
And I found myself standing next to her. How am I supposed to wake her up? Should I wake her? İs it dangerous? I dont want to hurt her.

    Since I was only thinking about Kaede I didnt realize himiko was there too.
Hey shuichi should we wake them up?
I want to talk to tenko.. nyehh..

I wanted too but its dangerous
Hmmm. We should ask others..

Hey himiko how about we ask others? Maybe they have another good idea?

Nyeh? So you want me to-
Ok I'll get others.
She ran as she Said that.
Well she didnt have to run but,I dont need to stop her anyways.

Since Im alone now I can look around a bit more. I didnt care about others since I saw Kaede. İ-its not that I like her I just.. Miss.. Yeah I really miss her.

I remember maki dissapearing when we first came here, is there any other room? I checked my surrounding. Then I realized a half broken red door on the back of the room. I guess maki went there.
I Wonder whats there. Maki seemed to be sad when she left, since I didnt ask her I should look inside too.
I went inside.
I wasnt suprised but... I wasnt waiting for a -
Morgue. İt makes sense actually but... I kinda wished the others would be here.. Unconcious but alive.
I went inside. İt looked like drawers. You have to pull the beds out.
There is a small blue Light on the beds which is used.

I guess it makes sense since ryoma, korekiyo, angie, gonta and kaito are the ones that are

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I guess it makes sense since ryoma, korekiyo, angie, gonta and kaito are the ones that are... Dead

I realized gontas bed was the highest, making it Hard to see,I dont know why.


I was laying on my bed when someone started to abuse the doorbell.Yes, abuse the doorbell. İt wouldnt stop ringing. I got up quickly and answered. Himiko was there and she started to pull me outside,making me fall.
Heyy what was that for???
Nyeh? Oh nothing Said Himiko.
I am confused.
Oh and Come we are going to the New-found room. Shuichi is waiting us there.


I was looking for other places,places we havent been yet. Altough the New room is more important and we decided to look it later, I wanted to know Where to look.However I didnt Find anything insteresting than  rantaros room which is locked I decided to Find shuichi.
He is propably with Kaede, in the New room.
When I went there Everybody expect himiko was already there.

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