Pt 6 Another Way

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No one pov

Maki woke up just to see the blood puddle next to her instead of kaito.
Her eyes shot widen she was scared indeed Where was kaito?

So maki ger up and called his name
An answer quickly came
Come here Said maki. He scared her alot.
So kaito walked there.
Maki gived him a death glare. Where Where you?
And kaito answered, in dining hall
I wss hungry.
Maki sighed.Kaito.I woke up, with a puddle of blood next to me without you.

İt took a while for kaito to understand.
İdiot tought maki
Oh. Did scare you maki roll? Sorry.
What that blood anyways? You dont cough that much blood right asked maki nervously.
Kaitos answer didnt make maki happy.
Well-I had to clear my lungs which was kind of - swimming-in-blood
Now Im fine.
No youre not. Maki tought. İdiot.

Anyways kaito tried to change the topic
Are you hungry.
Yes I am, maki responded
Kaito started talking as they went to the dining hall
Well everyone is already there. I kinda missed kirumis waffles.

Yeah. Me too.

They took a seat and started eating, and when they finished kokichi oppened a New discussion.

You know Im NOOT tryin to be meeaaan buut
You know
Kaito is gonna die

Everybody stopped talking/eating

There was a big silence.
Maki stopped that.

And what the f*?!k can we do?

Kokichi gave on of his smiles
I think the spaceidiot knows t h a t

All of a sudden Kaito Got up and yelled,


Do what? Maki asked. Was there realy a way to save kaito?

Weeeellllllllll kokichi started grinning even more

Himiko asked, and why are you helping kaito? Since when did you started to care about us?

Kokichi stopped for a moment,
Himiko. I cant tell right now
The headmaster is w a t c h i n g us.
But... There is a place Where is no cameras and if we go there alone I can tell you. İiiiiiiiiiifffff you trruuuust meeeeeeee.

Himiko didnt react to that.
Ok we'll go there after this.
Kokichi was clearly suprised.

Maki changed the topic again
Anyways. How can we help kaito?
Kaito started looking more pale and pale. He was White almost.

Shuichi already started thinking what could be the way to save kaito.
Since kaito didnt want it, he was clearly scared of it. There is no doctors here so no surgery.
What can scare kaito? Ghosts? But they dont have anything about this..
İt could be a joke but then kaito wouldnt react this much.
Hmm. İt could be about the New rooms equipments, but there is no one to use them and Shuichi already tought about that
İt only could be about the killing game or something he doesnt know yet.
Shuichi NEEDS more information for that.

Shuichi muttured. İts about the game right?
Thats why you dont want it.
Kaito Got even more pale.

Kokichi started to laugh almost.
Awwww but your maki roll wants to knoooww iiitt

Guys please just ignore him, kaito tried its bad and and.. İt wont work and its bad to me so pleaase just İGNORE him..

Maki gived him a glare.
Sometimes world is just bad to you. Tell us kokichi.

Kaitos pov

No no no no no no no no no no
No no no no
I have tomophobia! They cant do that!
No no no no no noo!

No ones pov
Kokichi gived a glare at kaito and then telled it.


Monokuma? Everyone asked.

Kokichi started explaining.
Well before I 'died' I talked to monokuma about something.
Would he save someone if it cause them to have so much despair?
And yes, yes he would.
İf my plan worked, kaito wouldnt die.
The game would end but still.I dont want anyone to die.

Basically kaito has tomophobia.
He is scared from surgical operations.
I Also know why but... I dont need to tell that do I?
And about how I learned that, I have my ways.

Anyways about saving the idiot.

İf monokuma helped him, without pills but medical I mean surgically

Which is another way to help his disease,

Kaito would be filled with despair since he is afraid of that and thats what monokuma wants, however he would stay alive which we want so Every body would get what they want. Well expect for kaito.

Every body stopped to think for a moment.

And kaito tried again.
Guys please dont and how can we trust monokuma? I would be hella scared for nothing please please I can heal with myself just please!

Rantaro stopped him. Kaito get out and wait in your dorm. Your not helping.
We'll tell you our conculusion later.

Kaito didnt have a chance so he had to leave.

Ssooooooooo what do ya guys think asked kokichi.

Discussion START

Tenko:well I think we should. İts gonna save him after all.

Keebo:İs monokuma trust able tough?
I dont think we can trust him

Shuichi:but its a win win remember?
WHY would monokuma do something to kaito? And remember monokuma cant interfere us. İts in the rules that monokuma cant break.

Keebo:I cant deny that. But its monokuma we are talking about

Maki:we can discuss that later more important questionf if we should?

Kirumi:even though it Will help him he might get traumatized
That could even end up with su⚠️Cide.

Himiko:isnt that kaito we are talking about? He'll get over it. I Will help him with my spells.

Tenko:I totally agree with himiko!

Kaede:I dont think it'll be that easy. Trauma can make People do things they would Never.

Miu:but if we dont Try he is going to die no matter what right?
But then he wouldnt be able to get dirty with someone~ahh now I think about it~mhm~

Kokichi:shut up pig.


Rantaro:miu's Got a point though. İf we dont Try he is going to die.

Shuichi:by the way I think kaito is already traumatized.


Shuichi:you saw how much kaito is scared right?
I think he had an event about it before.

İf we could calm him about it, it would be a little bit easier for him.

And yes I Also Think we should try from the start.

Kirumi:so conculusion is the we are going to.

Keebo:but dont we need kaito to agree?

Kokichi neheeheee no we dont. We just need to ask monokuma, he wont have a chance against it.

Miu:thats pretty... Rude.

Kokichi:not that I care.

Keebo:Who is going to tell kaito?

Tenko:I think maki and shuichi should. They are pretty close after all.

Discussion end.

End of chapter.
Word count:1131

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