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kun: [about yangyang] i can't imagine what he's planning. but i can tell you two things. we won't like it and it won't be legal.


winwin: i just told ten a secret.

winwin: is he good at keeping it?

kun: yes.

kun: until he meet a next person.


ten: you know you've made it when you see your picture everywhere you go!  

kun: those are wanted posters.  

ten: i don't see your point.


sm: do you know why i recruited you?  

yangyang: i assumed you lost a bet.


kun: no noise november, everyone shut up.


lucas: i found a caterpillar. it's not poisonous. 

hendery: how do you know?? 

lucas: i licked it. 


lucas: 13-year-old me would be both terrified and in awe at who i am now.

hendery: 13-year-old me wouldn't think i'd get this far.

xiaojun: i would fight 13 year old me.


kun, stirring a pot of water on the stove: why won't this damn water boil already?  

yangyang, who has been slipping ice cubes in every few minutes while kun's back is turned: i have no idea.


winwin: you do seven things a day that i ask you not to do.  

hendery: actually, i do more.  

hendery: you catch seven.


lucas: did you hear about the drug, "gray death"? one hit of that kills you on the spot.  

xiaojun: is that a warning or an advertisement?


yangyang: stop talking to me about smart things. i don't get stuffs and i don't understand things.  

kun: i was just asking you to clean up your side of the room.  

yangyang: i don't understand what you want me to do. you can't just ask me things out of the blue.  

hendery: what's the square root of 4858?  

yangyang: 69.6.


lucas: i think we're missing something.

hendery: teamwork!

yangyang: cohesion?

winwin: a general sense of whatever we're doing?


hendery: any dream can be a prophetic dream if you're willing to do some really weird shit.


kun: after being around you guys all day, i realized what I want to be.

yangyang: a dad?

kun: no, a dinosaur.

yangyang: oh because they're scary?   

kun: no because they're dead.


lucas, lost: uhhh i see a cloud that looks like a lion.

kun: ...can you be more specific?  

lucas: simba.


hendery: in my defence, your honour, i simply cannot vibe with the law.


yangyang: kun, can we move to a castle in eastern europe?

kun: and hear the pitter patter of your naked feet run across the marble floor. while there's all kinds of bunnies and ferrets running around. as you touch thousand year old priceless artifacts with your greasy little fingers...

yangyang: yeah.  

kun: we can move into a modest estate in england and that's it.  

yangyang: xiaojun, i told you i could get us to england. you underestimated kun's willingness to give me anything lower then what i ask for.


yangyang: you know, clapping is just slapping yourself because you like something.  

kun: if you don't go to bed right now, i may actually kill you.


ten: what are you doing?  

hendery: nothing.  

ten: you're in a chatroom pretending to be a woman again aren't you?  

hendery: i like the attention.  

ten: move over, i'll help.  

kun: don't encourage him.  

hendery: this guy just said, "i bet all of your friends are really pretty like you are".

kun: tell him yes, yes we are.


yangyang: hendery's chapstick tastes really good.

ten: oh my god! you two kissed?

hendery: no, he ate it.

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