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haechan: [gets a text from mark]

jaemin: are you not texting back?

haechan: nah he should think i'm busy and not desperate for his attention.

jaemin: oh okay.

mark: [literally in the same room as haechan and jaemin]

mark: what the hell is wrong with you?


chenle: jisung was annoying me today, so i told him that i can't wait to see what he has planned for our special day tomorrow.

chenle: there is nothing special about tomorrow, but there is something special about watching the color leave his face as the panic takes over.


renjun: people think my friendliness means i'm nice.

renjun: i am not.

renjun: i just want to keep you around in case the world belongs to me some day and i need servants.


mark: you looked at me and told me "i'd do almost everything for you if you tell me my hair looks better than yours in front of the whole company".

haechan: that was the moment you noticed you like me?

mark: yes.

haechan: can we make it a different moment?

mark: no.


jaemin: holding your lover's hand is the best feeling ever.

renjun: lol. have you ever tried holding $1 million?


chenle: [kicks the "g" off graveyard sign]

chenle: let's get this party started!!!!!


jaemin: i had a dream where i was kissing you.

jeno: well it actually happened.

jaemin: oh it wasn't a dream?

jeno: no and i couldn't sleep for the entire night because you kept smothering me in kisses non-stop.


haechan: punch me in the face.

renjun: punch you in the face?

haechan: yes. punch me in the face. did you not hear me?

renjun: i always hear "punch me in the face" when you're speaking but it's usually subtext.


mark: i waved at a man because i thought he waved at me.

mark: turns out he was waving at another person. so, to get out of the situation, i kept my hand up for a taxi which is now taking me to the airport.

mark: if you need me i'll be in poland starting a new life.


jisung: truth or dare?

jeno: dare.

jisung: i dare you to kiss someone named julie.

jaemin: we don't know anyone named julie.

jisung: then jaemin your new name is julie.


chenle: the floor is lava! 

renjun: [lays down]


mark: my vibe is like, "you could pour hot soup in my lap and i'd apologise to you".


renjun: for my next stunt, i'll wake up at 5 a.m. on a day i can sleep in.

jaemin: early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.

renjun: early to bed and early to rise makes me a massive bitch.


haechan: i was arguing with mark when he took off his glasses and told me, "i don't want to see you right now".


jaemin: i'm not jeno's boyfriend!

jaemin: i just protect him, get mad any girl that tries to talk to him, and tell him i love him!

jaemin: ...

jaemin: oh no.


renjun: why are you shirtless and covered in oil? 

jisung: you know how you say i never glisten? 

renjun: listen! i say you never listen! 

jisung: oh.


mark: what's renjun doing? 

renjun, banging pots and pans in a corn field: IT WOULD BE A SHAME IF I WERE ABDUCTED RIGHT NOW-


chenle: [washing hands] 

chenle: [cups hands until water overflows] 

chenle: this situation is getting out of hand.


mark: if a plant is sad, do other plants photosympathise with it?

jeno: i chlorofeel you, man.


mark: since we're going to japan, i think we should go over some safety procedures.

mark: now, if i get shot, what do you do?

jaemin: [choking back tears] cry-

haechan: [staring at him with an intense expression] avenge you.

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