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hendery: can i bother you for a second?

ten: you always bother me, so might as well.


yangyang: "is water wet?" dumb question, argued out, tiring.

yangyang: "is lava wet?" got new debate topic, fresh, exciting.


lucas: i have no fears.

kun: what if you woke up one day and found out ten is taller than you?

lucas: i have one fear.


renjun: you were named after the greatest male singer of all times.

son: you named me renjun jr after yourself.

renjun: i know, 'cause everyone else fucking sucks.

son: but ten jr says HE is named after the greatest male singer.

renjun: ten jr is a bitch ass liar.


lucas: once i saw someone write "lgtb" instead of "lgbt" and it confused me, but now i love it because it's a perfect acronym for "let's guillotine the bourgeoisie."

hendery: let's get this bread.

winwin: bread is exactly what the french wanted when they guillotined the bourgeoisie.


kun: would you two stop fighting?

winwin: we are not fighting. we are having a creative discussion.

lucas: we are fighting!

winwin: creative discussion.

lucas: FIGHT.


lucas: FIGHT.

kun: i can't believe you're actually having a fight about if you're actually having a fight.


yukhei: if i punch myself and it hurts, am i weak or strong?

yangyang: strong.

hendery: weak.

kun: you're just stupid.


hendery: jail is no fun, i'll tell you that.

chenle, surprised: you've been?

hendery: once, in monopoly.


renjun: gotta love knitting needles. i can make a scarf, i can make a hat. i can stab your eyes out. i can make mittens. 

winwin: what was that middle part?

renjun: i can make a hat.


lucas: i've never seen winwin this mad.

renjun: he's mad?

yangyang: he hasn't talked to chenle in three minutes.

renjun: wow, a record.

winwin: okay, i forgive you.

chenle: :D


xiaojun: in defense of winwin, chenle could fling my laptop into a pond and i'd forgive him.


chenle: what's the strangest pet you've ever had?

ten: you.


winwin: first person to reply to this is dumasd.

winwin: *dumbass.

winwin: wait-


ten: when you said you were "a magician in bed" this honestly wasn't what i was-

kun: [holds up 7 of spades] is this your card? 

ten: [whispers] holy shit.


winwin: i think you've made a mistake.

ten: my whole life has been a series of mistakes, you've gotta be more specific.


kun: all right now, everyone pay attention. i have an announcement to make and i only have a minute.

lucas: are you in a hurry?

kun: no, i was referring to your relatively short attention spans.


ten: do you realize it takes 3 sheep to make a sweater???? amazing, i didn't even know they could knit.


[chenle uses the restroom]

winwin: make sure to put the toilet seat down.

chenle: okay.

chenle: [to the toilet seat] you're worthless and nobody likes you.


yangyang: give me a fun fact- go.

lucas: when ten's talking, i forget how short he is so i have a few minutes of epiphany that god is talking to me.


yangyang: hey you should take that as a compliment.

lucas: once i thought god told me the pizza was delicious.


kun: STOP! do you want me to not talk to you guys anymore?

xiaojun: [looks at yangyang]

yangyang: [looks at xiaojun]

jaemin: what are you two doing?

yangyang: considering it.


hendery: the file won't attach to the email.

hendery: maybe it has trust issues.

NCT incorrectOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora