Chapter 10: Day 8

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StraySwordsman: Zoro
StrawHat19: Luffy
RedHairedIdiot: Kidd
TatooBoy: Law
GluttonGirl: Bonney
DaBasil: Hawkins
FamousDJ: Apoo
NobodyIsHere: Vee ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––StrawHat19 has joined.
NobodyIsHere has joined.

Hey, Luffy?

StrawHat19: Yeah?

Are you ok?

StrawHat19: Of course! Why?

Tell the truth

StrawHat19 is typing

StrawHat19: No. Why is Kaido so... Kaido-y! Why me, though...

Luffy, I'm coming.

I jumped out of bed and put on some clothes. I quickly walked out the stairs. Suddenly, a drink was thrown at me. I caught it. "Thanks, Smoothie." I said. Her white hair turned to me as she smiled. "Who is it?" I asked her as she was talking on the phone. "Just Katakuri, eating donuts!" She said laughing. I burst into laughter. "HEY!!!!" I heard Katakuri yelling through the phone. I could just see him laying on the couch scarfing down 5-feet donuts with one gulp. I snickered. "Bye!" I said walking down the hall. "Hey, where are you going?" Smoothie said. "I'm going to see Luffy. He's feeling really sad right now." I said. She put the phone down and sighed. "Ok." She said. She remembered about Luffy and what he did to Katakuri and Cracker. I mean, she knows it was in self-defense, but still. I walked out of the door and headed towards the hospital. I opened the doors and walked towards Luffy's room. I flew past the desk and I heard them call me to come back and sign I, but I didn't care. There was something wrong. I busted open the door and saw Luffy laying on the floor crying. I ran to him and held him. "I- I just wanted to do it on my own..." He said sobbing. "I wanted to show them that I could walk on my own." He added. He wanted to walk on his own, so people would be proud of him. I smiled and hugged him. He was crying and crying. Suddenly, the nurses came in and saw a Luffy all bruised up and me. One of them picked up the phone and called 911. I was shocked. I didn't hurt him. I didn't do anything. I just wanted to comfort him. The room was filled with policemen in seconds. Their guns were all pointed at me. They thought I did something to Luffy. "PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR AND DON'T MOVE!" One of the men said. I tried to look down at Luffy but I was interuppted. "I SAID DON'T MOVE!" He yelled. I put my hands up. I quickly put myself over Luffy and I heard gunshots. I screamed as I felt my back had holes in it. I fell to the side with pain, but I was able to save Luffy. I smiled as I felt my conscience slip away. Before I passed out, I saw a girl with purple eyes and long red hair. She was so pretty. Who is that?

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