Chapter 16: Bleach x One Piece Crossover Part 4

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Previously on Bleach x One Piece Crossover...

An anynomous player has hacked into the program! I repeat peat peat peat peat peat peeeeeeeeat....

System Shutdown

StrawHat19: Oh my God, what's happening!?!

GenryusaiYamamoto: ICHIGO!!!!!!

SoulReaperBoi: O- old man!?!.


|🌀 Chatroom 🌀|

SoulReaperBoi: Old Man! How'd you get here!?


SoulReaperBoi: WHAT!?

StrawHat19: What's the Sereitei?

Don't you remember? He told us.

GenryusaiYamamoto: WHAT!?!

StraySwordsman: Cramp. Cramp. Cramp.

From what?

StraySwordsman: Enma.

You aren't supposed t- Ugh, NVM 🙄

StrawHat19: We can help you with you with the intruders.

SoulReaperBoi: We could use the help...

GenryusaiYamamoto: Fine.

GluttonGirl: Yay! This'll be fun!

DaBasil: You just wanna turn people into babies, don't you?

GluttonGirl: OF COURSE! Who wouldn't?


SaboTheRevolution: YEAH!

GenryusaiYamamoto: I'm making a Senkaimon.

SoulReaperBoi: When wil-

Suddenly, a man walked in. He had a long white beard and was bald. "Old Man!" Ichigo said. Luffy walked towards the man. There was an aura around him that Luffy didn't quite understand. "Can we fight?" Luffy asked. Ichigo's jaw dropped. The man's eyes slowly and slightly opened. "Hmm. Try and hit me, boy." The man said. "Ok!!" Luffy said smiling. He threw a punch and to everyone's suprise, it didn't land. The man's face got serious. "Actually hit me. No half-*ssed punch." He said. Suddenly, Luffy's face got serious. He pulled of his shirt and threw it on the floor. The old man was shocked to see the scars and so was Ichigo. Luffy's arm turned pitch black. He went to punch and the man's eyes widened. He couldn't dodge it. How was this boy stronger than him!?! Then, Ace and Sabo appeared in front of Luffy and flipped him. Luffy gasped for air and the boys got off of him. They could see that his punch was to strong. The old man could tell that he wasn't using all of his strength. If all of them were like this, they would win for sure! No, even if one of then came... "You can come." Yamamoto said as he cleared his throat. " YAY!" Luffy cheered. A tick mark appeared on Bonney's face. She walked towards Luffy and pated him as she walked away. Suddenly, there was a large cloud of smoke covering Luffy. The fog cleared and it was a baby. It was crying. Sabo picked him up and punched Bonney. She passed out and smoke clouded the baby. He turned into Luffy. Bonney quickly regained consciousness and got up. She growled as she rolled her eyes and walked away. Yamamoto and Ichigo just stood there, dumbfounded, watching the amazing powers the allies have.

Chatting Time! (One Piece) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon