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Classic stood silently in the hall as he awaited the fate he had learned to endure. Each reset brought a different yet similar fate. With all the different possibilities, he had witnessed them all. Whenever peace arrived, Classic found it hard to welcome and digest knowing it would all vanish at one point. It was an endless cycle he was trapped in. Of course, he was aware of the Aus and the chance to break free. But he was forced to remain among his world to keep things running smoothly. It was a sick joke in his opinion. He was given no option besides suffering a pointless fate that ended two ways. The first was escaping the underground to merely be whisked back inside. The other was his own death. Sometimes the moment after his death felt the most peaceful to him, like the pain and loss he shouldered had vanished entirely, even if only for a single moment.

Hearing the footsteps he had known well, he shifted his gaze to meet the human. Personally, he was tired of the monologue he spoke each time they came around. The only time he spoke his normal ranting was when a genocide fell upon them. Since it was a neutral route, Classic found himself lacking the care to try to speak. He stepped to the side, letting them through. Meeting Frisks gaze brought so many emotions that he choked down. One thing he had learned over all the resets was who really had control. Time after time Classic believed the player was the one forcing the routes, but he had seen Frisk make the choice to kill others one time. He was a mere monster in the plot, unable to lift a single finger to change a thing. Not to mention, Frisk always wore that innocent smile. Since no one remembered the resets beside Classic and the human, he was forced to put on a fake smile and act as if nothing happened beforehand. 

He watched the humans back, leaning against a pillar as he let himself slide to the floor. His life was tiring. All the death. Endless resets... He wanted it all to stop and for the cycle to be broken. Classic felt like a puppet dancing on strings, entertaining the human. It was humiliating and left an uneasy feeling drowning him on the daily. Despair was his main emotion, though he learned to hide it well. No one knew his true pain or his thoughts. He sighed as he let his gaze wander around the room he knew would once more become his final destination. The world seemed to glitch momentarily, meaning Asgore was defeated and the human was once more declaring a reset. It made him sick. Closing his sockets, he waited for it all to finish so he would wake up in his bed and be greeted by his brother. He only hoped this time it was a pacifist run... Wouldn't that be nice.

Snapping his sockets open, he rose in his bed, sheets a mess as his socks hung loosely from his feet. His slippers were lined beside the bed and his normal jacket was sprawled on the floor with the other laundry. He felt a frown crest his features as he tossed his legs over the side of the bed and stood, feet slipping gracefully into the comfort his feet always cherished. Stepping from the mess, he bent to pick up his jacket before leaving his room. His brother was making a racket in the kitchen, which didn't surprise him in the slightest. Papyrus was the only reason he put up with the twisted system. 

"BROTHER! YOU"RE AWAKE!" Classic winced at the loudness before choking back the headache that threatened him. Smiling, he descended the staircase before stopping in the living room and letting himself fall onto the couch. He truly wanted one day to be peaceful, to let him relax. He felt it was deserved after everything. But the world also liked jokes, and Classic was the biggest one they had. His life was a chess piece on the board. "UNDYNE ASKED ME TO COOK TODAY! ISN"T THAT COOL!"

"Definitely bro..." Papyrus laughed his usual manner before he hurried to get ready. Honestly, Classic found himself envious of his brother's enthusiasm. He had none of it. His mind lingered dangerously close to the darkness and hate the enveloped his heart. Sighing once more, Classic let his sockets wander close again, more sleep washing over him. He hoped Papyrus would let him just lay there for once. 

To his surprise, he woke hours later in complete confusion. He had anticipated Papyrus forcing him up, but still lying on the couch was a new aspect to his life he hadn't foreseen. Never had it happened before. Narrowing his sockets slightly, Classic rose from comfort before pulling his phone out and dialing Undyne. The fish normally answered instantly knowing it was him, but when no response reached Classic, he felt his soul sink slightly. He fixed his hoodie before teleporting toward Waterfall. He was terrified for many reason. First was that when no response came, someone was dead. The second was the meaning of the sudden silence around Undertale. Classic felt broken as he thought it over. Another genocide. He had altered the events and avoided seeing his brother's death, but it hurt still. 

Upon arriving at Waterfall, Classic let himself move toward the location Undyne normally fought. Once the dust was spread along the ground, it assured Classic of the route. He felt a scowl crest his features as anger, yet sorrow washed through him. His fate was decided. He knew his trip to the judgement hall was required. Sucking in a deep breath, he readied to teleport only to stop when footsteps sounded behind him. Without much thought, he readied a attack. The blaster shot the beam, the figure almost meeting it head on. 

"That was uncalled for... I came here to give you something and you nearly take my head off!" Classic sighed as the blaster vanished, his gaze shifting to the scarf. He felt a wave of defeat as he let himself sink to the ground.

"Who are you and what do you want? You aren't someone who lives here, which makes me believe you're an AU." The figure chuckled almost eerily as they nodded, taking a seat beside Classic. The sudden closeness was offsetting as the figure held the scarf out for Classic. 

"Believe this belongs to you. Also, just call me Dust." There was slight hesitation before he nodded, taking the fabric and wrapping it around his own neck.

"Well, I appreciate you grabbing this for me Dust... But are you sure it's a good idea to be here with genocide occurring?" Dust smirked as he shrugged. His gaze told Classic many things, the main one being that genocide was familiar. While Classic knew about Aus, he didn't know specific details.

"Genocide is boring in my humble opinion. I can't say I prefer pacifist either, but beggars can't be choosers. You seem annoyed at all of this, almost dead to reality."

"I mean... Go through enough death and despair, it does that to you." Dust nodded as he tilted his head ever so slightly. He wore a malicious grin that shook Classic to his core. He spoke softly, his voice laced in slight venom and mild curiosity.

"Have you ever tried to change your own fate?" Classic narrowed his sockets as he frowned.

"How would I go about doing that?"

"Why, killing of course. What better way to outsmart a human then by gaining levels to compete!"

Till Dust Do Us Part - Dussic (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now