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I head into Mal and Evie's room, just wanting to check to make sure nothing was needed to be replaced and that they haven't stole anything. I stopped right outside their door as I heard Jane's voice coming from the room.

"Mom said, "if a boy can't see the beauty within", then he's not worth it." Can you believe that!" Jane sighs dramatically.

I giggle softly and head in to the room. "Sorry to break up your chat but how are yo-" I trailed off staring at Jane's hair in shock.

It now was long and flowly, not at all like it was when the day started. It use to be cut short below her shoulders, and no way she went to get extensions. There would be no time for it.

"What happened to your hair! It's gorgeous! Did you get extensions? How? My gosh I'm in love!"

Jane grins at my outburst. "Mal did it! Isn't it great!"

"It really is!" I smile wide going and examining her hair closer. "Do you think you could do mine?" I asked, a bit nervous honestly.

Mal looks up from her book. "You want your hair changed? Why would I do that?" She sighs.

I frown a bit and think, cruel but okay. "I'll pay you." I shrug out pulling out my coin purse.

Evie gasped and runs over to me. "Good answer!" She smiles snatching the purse. "Hmm now what if we cut it a bit shorter, and lose the curl."

I look over at a mirror kinda blocking Evie out. "Well... what about adding a few inches... and let frizz would be nice." I smile softly. "Just... I want something else than what it is... something better fit for a princess..."

Mal watches me for a moment before sighing. "Fine." She gets up from her bed and walks over to him smiling stiffly as she flips through her book. "Okay. Beware, forswear, replace the old with new hair."

I gasped softly as my head jerks to the side, glancing to the mirror as my hair starts to change. "Woah." I grin staring at my new looks.

It went down to the middle of my back in softer curls this time, it looked more kept up with, less crazy.

"I love it! Thank you mal!" I laugh softly, hugging the tense girl.

"Okay yeah get off me now."

I let go and glance back at myself. "Now I'll be ready." I whisper.

I sigh walking around the school in a hurry. "Where are you?" I questioned, no one but myself around to hear.

I went to check on Ben after I left Mal and Evie's room, but I've been trying to find Jay and Carlos for the past 15 minutes.

Curfew was soon, and knowing them they were out getting themselves in trouble. I stopped back outside of the girls dorm, knocking on their door as I catched my breath. They might be able to point me in the right direction at least.

Mal opened the door with a look of annoyance across her face. "Charlotte! What a wonderful surprise."

I blush faintly in embarrassment. "Yeah hi... I was wondering if you seen Jay and Carlos? They aren't in their room and it's almost curfew."

Mal opens the door a bit wider for me to see the said two along with Evie in the tense room.

Carlos avoided my gaze, as Jay very happily gave me a grin along with a wink.

"Oh well look at that okay um... nevermind then... everything seems fine here." I laugh nervously, feeling awkward. "Goodnight then everyone!" I call out as I start walking away.

Mal watches me unamused before something snapped. "Wait! Is it true that we all get to go to your coronation?"

My attention went to her at the question, surprised she cared about it. "Yup! The whole school will attend actually." I smile sweetly to her, trying to hide my fear.

"Wow," she says. "That is beyond exciting. Do you think it's possible that the four of us can stand in the front by the Fairy Godmother? So we can just soak in all that goodness."

I laugh at that softly leaning on the door frame. "No I'm truly sorry. It's only me, my family, and the unfortunate soul of my boyfriend is allowed." I say sparing a glance in Jay's direction.

"Boyfriend?" Mal questions.

Jay walks up behind her with a small frown. "You have a boyfriend?" A small hint of jealousy in his voice.

I grin and laugh softly. "No, most guys figure out I'm gonna be crowned queen and run away. Or they're completely mental."

Mal nods before starting to close the door. "Right well bye bye." She muttered out, locking the door in place.

I stood in the somewhat dark hallway, letting out a soft sigh. "Great... good job with your people skills Charlotte... gonna make a fine ruler, can't even carry a good conversation..."

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