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"You had me at prince!" The blue haired girl gushes put, rushing to my brother. "My mom's a queen, which makes me a princess." She mutters out, with a big love sick grin on her face.

Audrey looks between the two and frowns. "The Evil Queen has no royal status here... and neither do you."

The VK frowns, giving a nice nasty glare to Audrey.

I smirk softly, watching Ben shift around uncomfortably. "This is Audrey."

"Princess Audrey!" She interrupts, immediatly grabbing his hands. "His girlfriend. Right Bennyboo?"

I couldn't help the long annoyed sigh that left my lips, catching the attention of everyone close by me. "What? Oh sorry, I'm not being rude. Just....breathing..heavily?" I mutter out the lie.

The VK's all look somewhat amused by this. The purple haired girl letting out a laugh.

"Anyway." Fairy Godmother chips in again, giving me a warning look. "Ben, Charlotte and Audrey are going to show you all around, and I'll see you tomorrow." She grins looking at the new kids, her eyes glancing at Ben and Audrey hands that were intertwine in front of her. "The doors of wisdom are never shut!" She suddenly yells, pushing the two's arms apart.

I jump a bit, my hand flying to cover my chest. "Jeez woman." I mutter under my breath.

"But the library hours are to 8:00 to 11:00. And as you may have heard, there's a thing called curfews." Godmother explains, looking at the VK's closely. She lets out a sigh and walks off the band following after her.

We all stood still, just staring at each other. Ben was more overjoyed than anything.

"Well, let's get started." I smile. "I'm not gonna do a big fancy speech because that's Ben's job, but let me tell you how excited I am to have you guys here!"

Audrey sighs softly. "Here we go." She whispers under her breath.

I ignore her and bounce over to the line of kids. "I can't wait to show you guys around! All the fun things we could do! Like horse back ridding! Or a nice picnic by the lake!" I ramble out, stretching my hand out for a handshake.

Jay, who was infront of me, smiles a bit with a chuckle. He brings my hand up and kisses my knuckles, making me stutter a bit.

"Um.. i-its truly amazing to give people a new chance at life." I continue on shaking hands with the purple haired girl.

She was tense, glaring at everything and everyone. I'm sure we can get her to open up..hopefully.

I don't keep her miserable for long going on to the white haired kid. "Is that chocolate?" I ask, noticing the gooey goodness covering his mouth.  "I'm forsure we can go to the candy shop at least once a week!"

"Can we just get this over with?" Audrey finally snaps out.

I sigh heavily, closing my eyes trying to calm myself down before I do something I'll regret.

"...Okay! So how about the tour?" Ben asked nervously. "Yeah?" He looks between me and Audrey. "Come on."

He turns holding on to Audrey and heads to the front of the school where dad statue was.

The VK's start to follow after, the purple haired girl leading the small group. She must be the leader or something.

I open my eyes again and follow after them. "Stupid Audrey and her stupid face."

"So Auradon prep, originally built over 300 years ago-" I rub my head tiredl, not even trying to pay attention to this speech... I have heard it 100 times already.

I frown hearing a scream come beside me, the white haired boy jumped into Jays arms frightfully.

I grin softly, biting back a laugh.

"Carlos, it's okay. My father wanted his statue to morph from beast to man to remind us that anything is possible." My brother explains.

"Does he shed much?" The lead girl asked.

"Oh yeah, mom won't let him on the couch." I comment, walking past everyone to finally take the lead.

"So you guys have a lot of magic here in Auradon?" She asked. "Like wands and things like that?" Man she's really interested in wands.

I shrug turning to look at them again. "Yes and no. We decided to be boring and put all the magic away." I pout dramatically. "Oh Doug!" I shout out to my friend on the stairs.

The nervous kid looks down at me and smiles. "Charlotte!" He walks down and fist bumps me.

I laugh softly and turn back to the new group. "Everyone this is Doug, if you have any questions feel free to ask anyone... But for now ask Doug." I grin, glancing around with a roll of my eyes not seeing Audrey or Ben. She must have dragged him off again.

"H-hi..." Doug mutters gripping on to his clip board tightly.

"Sorry Doug. I'd love to stay and chat more but I can't miss my manners class." I smile playfully. "It would be incredibly rude of me to miss it...again."

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