Chapter 6

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- Okay so.. thanks for this afternoon it's was really great. Have a good night

I smile at Jorge and wave him a goodbye. I saw him smile and close his door. I was weirdly feel so happy. I open my door and jump in my bed. I laid down and look at the ceiling. This afternoon with jey was so.. perfect. We laid down holding hand in silent. This moment was like.. perfect can't even describe what it was. After that we take some picture together and take care of the plants and the flowers. I fell so happy and myself for a moment.. it wasn't happen for a long time. Last time.. it was with Jake. When we kiss and hold each other.. I miss him.. I real do.. but I know I have to forget about him.. I won't be able to see him until holidays.. and we can't have a relationship when I'm so far away.. maybe I should text him.. or I don't know.. call him..

I sigh and take my phone.

- Hey Jake.. I just wanted to know how you doing..

I put my phone on my bed and decide to go take a shower. It will let me think and relax me.

One hour later

Okay.. i actually take like.. the longest shower in my life. I shaved and take care of like my skin and everything. I get dress in pyjamas and laid in my bed. I look for my phone and take it.

Hey Jake.. I just wanted to know how you doing..

Seriously? Like he can't even answer my text ? Or maybe is was doing somethings and forget about it. I start to think that maybe he forget about me. Maybe he never love me. I need to hear his voice.. I need it now..

I click on the FaceTime button on my iPad and wait. I already feel tears on my pink cheeks. He finally answer the call.

- Benjamin ? Why are calling me ?

I look at him quietly. He wasn't alone. Look like a party or somethings.

- I'm.. im sorry to bother you Jake.. is just that.. I'm not feeling well right now.. and I miss you..

He look a bit shock and uncomfortable.

- wait a sec okay ? I'm going to the bathroom..

I didn't say anything and just wait. He was at a party. So he's doing good. He sit down and look at me.

- What is going on ben ?

I smile a bit at the nickname.

- it's just.. I kinda miss you today.. and seeing that you at a party.. I miss that too.. how you going ?

He look away for a sec then look back at me.

- Ben.. you know that I.. I miss you too.. you were my best friends and..

I frown and look at him. Wait. Best friend ? Only that ? We kiss and like make out in my room like 5 times

- best friends ? That it ? You don't like me anymore ? What happen to the Jake who was in my arms crying because I was force to left him ??

He look down and sigh.

- ben.. it's.. yeah I change.. you left me here alone.. so I started to change and have fun to forget.

I close my eyes for a sec. He forget about me.. he move on.. But I need to know something to move on too.

- Jake. Do you still love me ?..

He look down and stay quiet. He look a bit sad. He was going to say something but someone open the door of the bathroom he was in. It's was a guy. He's tall.

- Jake baby what are you doing? We wait for you to start the game

I froze. He is with someone else.
- Ben.. i.. Im sorry i..

- fuck you Jake

I end up the call. He a ass. I hate him. How could he do that to me.. love him.. I throw away my phone et start to cry. I thought he loved me.. all my life is ruin because of him.. if I didn't kiss him.. I would still be in my home.. with my friends.. I don't want to hear about him ever again..

I cry for about a hours. When I finally calm down it's was 1 am. I sigh and wash my face then go back in my bed. My heart was broken..

Then I hear my door open. I look up and see a blond messy hair head looking in my room.

- Benjamin...? Are you wake ?..

He looked scared and sad. I sit up and look at him.

- Yeah.. come in jey..

He walk in and close the door. He sit on my bed and look at me.

- hum.. are you okay ? You look sad.. did you cried ?

I sigh and look down. I don't know if I want to talk about it now.. maybe tomorrow..

- not really.. but it's okay.. you weren't able to sleep are you ?

I smile a bit when he look down. He nod and a made place close to me.

- come here.. I need hug too..

He smile like a child and laid down with me. He snuggled up against my chest and close his eyes. We stay like that for a bit and he relax and open his eyes again.

- Do you want to talk about what's makes you sad..?

I look at him and think. Maybe talk about it with him will make me feel better?..

- it's.. I tell you about my the reason my parents send me here right ?..

He nod and I look down.

- it's.. his name is Jake.. and.. I was feeling sad tonight.. so I call him.. he move on jey.. he's with a another stupid guys..

I look at me and give me a hug. I hold him tight and let some tears go on my cheek. He's warm.. his hug feel very good. I close my eyes and just appreciate the moment.

- but you don't like him anymore right ?..

I don't know what to say. Do I still like Jake ? I hate him.. for sure.. but if I'm like that right now..

- I.. I think I do still love him a bit..

Weirdly Jorge sit up. I look at him a bit lost. I was really good like that..

- oh.. okay..

He look weird.

- Well laid back down.. It's was comfy

I smile to him and he look away. What wrong with him ?..

- actually I'm.. i think I will go back to my room..

- No stay.. I don't want you to a nightmare

He look down and laid down close to me. I hold him close and smile while starting to fall asleep.

- Good night jey

- night Benjamin..

Ours little secret ❤️ Benjey Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora