Chapter 1

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How did I ended here..

Oh hey i remember.

I kissed my best friends.

His name was Jack. He was my best friends for like what five years now ? And yesterday he told me that he was in love with me. So I kissed me. In my room. So my parents show up and see us. I didn't tell them that I was bisexual. It's not a big deal. I was so dumb. After I tell them everything they tell me to say goodbye to jack. My mom let me 10 minutes to say him a last goodbye. I just past this 10 min at holding him and kiss him. I really miss him.

The next morning, my dad show up in my room. He say that they found a new school for me. It's was a religious school.. they say that it's was perfect for me. That I was just having a phase and that this school will help me. They are so dumb. It's a school for boys only. They send me in a school full of cute religious boy and think it's will turns me straight? Funny.

I passed the day a pack everything because I will live there. I was really sad and I cried will packing. I was losing my best friends and so many people that I love..

Now I was in this room. My new room. I was looking at the ceiling for like a hours I thinks. I decided to finish pack everything and put this stupid uniform. It's so ugly.. I hate the pants. There a to.. ugly. After finish everything a boy show up in my room. Geez people don't know what is knocking??

- Hii ! I'm noen your Benjamin Right?

God I hate this name.

- Yeah call me benji..

- Im supposed to show you around and help you with everything

- Humm great?

- your ready ?

I sigh and nod. I follow him and listen to all what he was saying. This school was so weird.

He give me my things and timetable. They was some basic stuff like mathematics and sports. But some very weird. I don't understand everything. I just start to walk to my first class when the boy stop me.

- Wait benji.. hum.. I know the first week in this school is hard.. so if you want to.. you could sit with me and my friends at lunch. There are really sweet and maybe a bit weird

He laughs and look at me waiting for a answer. Hum.. should I say yes ? I'm stuck here now.. I'm better starting making friends now.

- hum.. yeah sure thanks by the way

He smile at me and walk away. I just walk to my first period. If I understand it's was a math class. Easy.

When I finally found the class I come in and see some boys sitting. Some were talking other doing homework. It's look like a normal class.

I take a seat between to boys. The one at my left was talking about a gossip or I don't know.

The one at my right.. well.. he was pretty cute. He had some blond and brown curls. I'm note sure but I think he have some makeup his face. Wait boys can put makeup in a religious school? Maybe that school isn't that bad.

He look at my and I realized that I was staring at him. I blush a little bit and smile. He smile me back and go back to his book.

I look to my thing to and start looking at the lesson of the day. I already see that in my last school. So it's gonna be boring..

Maybe I just will looking at the pretty boys at my right all the time.

Ours little secret ❤️ Benjey Where stories live. Discover now