Chapter 3

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I woke up I bit lost. I open my eyes and feel a pressure on my body. I raise my head and see Jorge snuggled up against my chest. The bible was on the floor and we were style with your school clothes. He was sleeping into my chest and.. he kinda look cute.. I guess with both fell asleep while he was reading the bible. I don't really know what to do. Should I wake up him? We have class today.. but I don't wanna go..or maybe.. I can stay and enjoy the moment. He's hair look so soft.. I just put my hands into it. It's so sweet.. I start play with his hair for a moment and after 15 minutes he start to move and wake up a bit. He was totally lost.

- Hmm.. where Am I ?..

He raise his body a bit and look around. He realized that we was in my room and that we was on me.

- I'm.. omg Benjamin..

He sat down on the bed red like a tomato. I sat beside him and smile a bit.

- Hmm.. hi good morning

He was kinda cute.. his hair was a mess.. his cheek was totally red.. fuck it he is very cute. I'm not here to fall in love but.. maybe I could have some hookup or somethings like that..

- I'm really sorry I fell asleep on you.. I guess I was really tired.. did I annoyed you ?..

He look at me with baby innocent eyes.

- No.. of course not Jorge.. hope you sleep well

He look aways for a second and look back at me.

- it's weird but.. I really sleep well.. i have some trouble with sleep.. so..

Is it weird if I'm proud that he sleep well with me ? Maybe. I smile at him and stand up. I look at the clock.

- fuck.. we are late.. the first period it's almost over..

He look at me chock. He stand up to and take is bible.

- No.. I can't be late..

He refrains from swearing. It's was funny to see. He take his things and look at me while opening the door.

- See you at the lunch.. and please.. don't tell the other I fell asleep on you.. okay ? Thanks Benjamin

Weirdly I wasn't upset that he call me Benjamin. I hate this name and I get upset when people use it. But when it's Jorge.. it's okay.

The day pass a bit fast. I decide to go to class after lunch. It's was some boring gay conversions class. I wasn't even listening. It's not like this stupid lesson could change me.

I eat my late dinner with Jorge, Noen and a guy name Syd. I didn't know if Jorge would come in my room to night. Last night he say that he would come every night and I kinda wish he would. Not that I like him reading me the bible.  His voice is very sweet so in a way I like it but I like when he is around.

I turn at him and smile a bit.

- You still coming to night right?

He smile and look down for a moment.

- hum.. yeah I will be in your room for 20 o clock is that okay ?

I nod and smile at him. We finish eating and a left to my room. I take a shower then make my self a bit good. Jorge is coming in ten minutes. I take my phone saw that Jack text me. It's the first time he text me since I'm here.

Jack 💚
- Hey ben.. sorry for not texting you.. are you doing ? I miss you..

I sigh and sat on my bed. I miss him too.. I wish I just close my eyes and he will be here with me, In my arms.. I answer his text saying that it's okay and that I'm fine I guess.

I was thinking of all this and a little blond messy hair head open my door and look at me smiling. His bible in his hands, he walk in and sat on my bed.

- Ready Benjamin ?

I smile. I don't know why but.. he's making me happy. He start reading the bible and a lie down and close my eyes listening to his voice. It's was so sweet and calm.

After a couple of minutes, I feel him lie down close to me. He still read the bible but slower. I open my eyes and he finish he chapters. I turn to see him and realize that he was really close to me. I smile and touch lightly his hair.

- Your hair are so soft..

I saw him blush and I smile. He was very cute. He come more closer to me and get back the second after. He sat and smile.

- I have to go finish my homework see you tomorrow.

He stand up and walk to his room.

I lie down on my bed and smile. I was weirdly happy. Honestly I wasn't even listening to the things that he was reading to me. I was just listening to his sweet voice. I get up after a moment and go take a shower. After I just change into some sweet pants and a t shirt. I fell asleep really fast. Maybe cause I was thinking of him..

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