Antihero x Villain (Scars + Tattoos)

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Antihero (undercover as a hero) x Villain
Scars + Tattoos

Antihero typically kept their scars and tattoos covered. After all, it was bad form to be easily identifiable in their line of work. They weren't ashamed of the markings. No, in fact, they sometimes wished they didn't have to hide them. It was especially important to cover up while they were undercover. Like they were now.

While working with another hero, the two of them had been forced to team up with Villain to survive. It wasn't ideal. It added a layer of danger for Antihero. They knew that Villain liked to force heroes to make morally questionable decisions. If it came down to something along the lines of having to kill one evil person to save the lives of many, Antihero wouldn't hesitate. They didn't want to blow their cover. But there were more pressing matters right then. Like not drowning.

Antihero had fallen into a trap, being forced to swim in a deep pit to retrieve a key to escape the room they, Hero, and Villain were trapped in. Unfortunately, neither of the other two could help them with the way the trap was set up. Antihero just hoped Hero and Villain wouldn't kill each other while Antihero was trying to save them.

The swim was rough, but at last, Antihero made it back to the surface with the key. They gasped for air.

"Hope you two didn't kill each other," they spluttered. Hero reached down and helped Antihero out of the water. Water trailed off Antihero's skin.

"Nope," they replied. They were smiling, but there was worry in their eyes. Next to them, Villain gave Antihero an appraising look.

"I didn't expect you to survive that," they told Antihero, eyes glinting with amusement. Antihero shrugged, and moved to change the topic.

"I got the key. Here," they said, tossing the key to Hero. Hero caught the key, but as Antihero was lowering their arm, Villain stepped forward suddenly and grabbed it. Antihero startled and instinctively tried to pull their arm back. Villain didn't let go, though. They ran their hand up Antihero's arm, wiping away water and the supposedly water-proof concealer that had started to come off.

"What happened to your arm?" they asked Antihero, expression unreadable. Antihero grabbed Villain's hand with their own.

"Nothing, let go of me," they replied with warning in their tone. Antihero grabbed Villain's hand with their own. Villain tightened their grip. They wiped away more of the concealer to reveal impressive scarring. Seemingly entranced, Villain traced the scars with their finger, gradually revealing more scaring.

Hero hesitated next to them awkwardly. They chose to turn away and work on getting them a way out. Antihero glanced at Hero and made to pull away to join them. Villain stopped them again, putting a hand to the side of Antihero's head and making Antihero face them.

"What happened?"

Antihero didn't respond. Villain and Antihero stared at each other with intensity, neither yielding. Eventually, Villain removed their hand from Antihero's head and used it to slide Antihero's sleeve up. Now with both of their hands occupied, Villain couldn't prevent Antihero from using their free hand to firmly grip one of Villain's shoulders.

"You sure you want to know?" they asked Villain softly, but dangerously. Villain leaned closer, eyes piercing. They slid their hand under Antihero's shirt.


Villain peeled off Antihero's soaked shirt, revealing even more scarring as well as their tattoos. Villain moved their hands up Antihero's arm, over their shoulder, and across their chest. They took in every scar, every tattoo, every marking. Villain brought their hands up to Antihero's neck, feeling the scarring across their vulnerable throat. Antihero placed a hand on each of Villain's arms, holding them as Villain held their neck. They stood like that for several moments, not breaking.

Then Villain slid their hands back down Antihero's chest and down their sides. Antihero shivered. Villain's hand came to a rest on each side of Antihero's pelvis.

"I hope you'll show me the rest of your scars and tattoos sometime," they whispered softly against Antihero's ear before pulling away.

Antihero pulled their shirt back on, eyes following Villain as they went to join the hero at the exit. Hero, who was noticeably averting their gaze, had gotten the door open and was waiting for them.

"You coming?" Villain called back casually.

"Yeah," Antihero replied.

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