Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (May and Daisy Adoption)

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(Prompt from write-it-motherfuckers on Tumblr​)

Person A: "Did.....did I just get adopted?"

Person B: "Yep."

Daisy didn't have any words. Her eyes had glazed over with tears.

"All you have to do is sign," May said, folding her arms.

"May..." She struggled not to let all her emotions come flooding out.

"If you don't want to–"

"No! No, I do!" Daisy slapped her hand protectively over the papers. "I do. It means... so much."

May nodded. "It means a lot to me too." She hesitated a moment, trying not to be overcome by her emotions.

For a moment neither of them spoke. May had been a mom and a mentor to Daisy far more than her birth mom was. And Daisy had been the child May never had. They had been family for years and now they would be family in the eyes of the law.

"Thank you," Daisy sniffed, pulling her into a hug.

"Thank you," May whispered, returning the embrace.

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