SCP (SCP-049 Hurt/Comfort)

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(Requested by Anon)

You were one of four selected D-Class inmates to be involved in re-opened experimentation with SCP-049, AKA the Plague Doctor. The trials had started about a week prior. Only you and one other prisoner now remained.

At first, you had been afraid of him. Fear had turned to weariness as you began to learn what he would and would not do. Now you understood that he was dangerous and strange, but you felt a bit more at ease. You had grown used to his company and understood that you were both imprisoned. You had a common enemy.

He seemed to be rather fond of you now. At times when he would sink into mad rambling or do something unnerving, he would take note of your discomfort and make an effort to explain and to ease you.


You were doing the standard cleaning of 173's cell. It was your turn to clean while the other two watched it. Everything was going swimmingly, the same old boring routine. A loud bang echoed from elsewhere in the facility and you looked up. Sirens blared and red lights flashed. Too late, you realized that the others had also looked away. You saw the statue had appeared behind D-1329 and you heard a sick crunch as you flinched away. The doors behind you opened and armed guards rushed in. They fired their guns at the statue and you felt something hot brush your arm.

The bullets didn't seem to do anything to 173. In fact, it seemed quite dandy, snapping a guard's neck a second later. You realized that they were struggling to re-contain 173. Behind you, the doors were still open. Sparing one last glance at the dying guards, you turned and fled.

People were in a panic outside in the halls. There were guards running toward the cell, scientists hurriedly talking to each other, and a few other D-class inmates who'd gotten out amongst the chaos. As you stood there you felt a burning sensation in your arm. When you checked it, you realized you were bleeding. A bullet must have grazed you in the fire. Amid the jumble and noise, you tried to figure out what to do. You needed medical help. Who could help you? 049 popped into your head. Bad idea? Maybe, but you certainly didn't trust the foundation to help you.


There was no one outside the entrance to 049's chambers. You had found a keycard sitting on someone's desk while you were on your way. With a quick scan of it, you were let in. Your skin was clammy. Without the adrenaline, you could feel your injury more clearly.

"A visitor? In such an emergency?" you heard his hollow voice ask from off to the side.

You turned to look at him sitting on his bed behind the windows. There was another locked door there. Again, you used the keycard to unlock it. He stood up came over to you. He saw you were sweaty and drained of color.

"What happened?" he inquired. "You look unwell."

His mask turned toward the arm you were clutching.

"Did you injure yourself?" He slid his hand under the one you were using to cover the wound, moving it out of the way. "Ah, you have."

He calmly pulled you over to the table in the room.

"Sit here," 049 said, gesturing at it. He pushed your sleeve up to see the injury.

"Ah, yes, that can be fixed." He went and retrieved his doctor's bag from next to his bed. Several items were pulled out of it when he returned. "This is going to hurt a fair bit," he warned.

You braced yourself. 049 carefully cleaned the wound with a cotton square soaked in alcohol. The stinging was pretty bad but you had been expecting it. He finished cleaning it, still holding your arm in one hand. Apparently he could control his murder touch. He spread a gross-smelling goop on the injury, which had stopped bleeding.

"Hold this a moment," he told you, pressing a larger cotton square over the wound. You complied. He pulled out some bandages and began wrapping them around your arm. "You can let go of it now." 049 fastened it in place and put his things back in his bag. He gently pulled your sleeve back down, lingering for a moment.

"Do try not to get shot again," he echoed in his low voice. You nodded, standing up. The containment breach was likely to be taken care of soon and you would both be returned to your cells. Neither of you spoke but just looked at each other. He walked back into his cell and you followed, standing just outside the door.

"You had better scurry off. You don't want to be caught here," he said, setting his bag down and turning to you. You hesitated before nodding. "Go on, close the door," he told you, handing you the keycard that you hadn't noticed him take. Again, you paused. He gave your hand a squeeze and stepped back. You pressed the card to the scanner and the door shut.

With one last look back at him through the windows, you walked out of the main door. Perhaps you would escape someday.

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