Chtp.5 DNA

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A/N -   Hello I'm sorry that I haven't posted a lot. I just have a lot going on with my personal life and I hope you all can understand and just to spill some tea a little bit someone,not saying names for privacy reasons, is trying to hack my Wattpad account on here but I have all of that taken care of now I hope to be writing more because I am better but thank you all that are reading this! Now on with the story! <3
A/N 2The song isn't that important in that important in the story so you can play it whenever you would like!
A/N part 3 sorry but this will be a little bit of a shorter chapter 
Word count 1564

No ones POV 

You wake up a couple minutes later. All Might is fighting the creature with its brain sticking out of its head and a beak. your head is pounding like never before. You see Endeavor fighting the boy and girl. You are on the ground.

The cold, bloody, and where you where attacked at. You feel numb in a way. Watching the top hero's fighting and not seeing that affected by their opponent. How can they get hit with that force and not get a scratch? How many lives where effected today?

At the same time some people will look on the new and not even care.Crazy isn't it? Someone's best day can be someone's worst day.

You hear ear rattling sound. Blue and red lights are flashing. You can hear sirens all around you. You can hear but you can't move.


Dirt and dust cover your face and goes in your lungs. Something about that makes you able to move and cough out. Feeling starts to come back again. Pain. You can't feel one of your arms.

You slowly try and crawl away from where you where. Having to stop every few minutes so the pain isn't so bad. It feels like you have a migraine but in that moment like this. Where theirs explosions and some people are dead you decide you can think about this later. You  see the girls eyes turn back to the color they where previous.

You look around and can't fully grasp that an hour ago this place was fine. To look at it know after what they did to it is awful. The girl that has violet colored eyes can up to you. You tried to move even a little bit but it was no use. She crouched down to where she was my level.

She put her hands on my head and said softly
"Go to sleep. Wake up when the ambulance comes."

And as if she switched off a light, you was out.


I wake up. Theirs a light in my face and a scrunch my face up in protest. What happened? I hear mumbling, I can't tell what theirs saying. I've been moved...but where? I have a heart monitor and an IV attached to me.

I look around the room. I see a chair with my bag on it and my phone. Their is some cracking in the phone but it still seems pretty good considering that I did drop it on hard concrete.

I hear the door creak open. Their is a lady I don't recognize stroll in. She is in scrubs that have hearts on them,and a white lab coat.The base color of the fabric is a pretty light blue almost a baby blue. The hearts are a bright peachy pink.

Her skin is stunning shade of light purple, a little more red then a lavender color. Her hair was down and long. It was a black shade. Her eyes where a piercing gold shade. She gave me a warm smile.

"How you feeling hun? You have been out for about six hours now. You really had a lot of  people worried their sugar. Let me check and see it you got a concussion and look you over okay sweetness? Oh you must be so scared when it all happened! That was no place for a child."

She was talking so fast and had a little bit of a southern accent. Well to be honest a lot of a southern accent. I smiled at her and nodded. I told her thank you and that I was okay. She pulled out the light and checked if I had a concussion.

" Okay well you seem fine do you feel any pain? Can you see okay? Can you remember everything that happened? Hearing okay? Your folks are pretty worried about you."

I said that I felt fine just a headache and ears ringing. She the began to talk to me about my left arm, the one he mostly hurt, and saying that yes it will cause a scar. My whole left arm was in a cast. My right wrist had a gauze around it. She had a sorrowful look on her face.

It was a mixture of worry and pity. I hate it when people look at me with that in their eyes. 

" Well darlin I'm gonna go and get your folks okay? I'll be right back."

She walked out the door after she said that. I have no idea who is about to come in this room because my "folks" need to be in jail for life! I'm hoping it's my granny. (Folks mean parents if you didn't know) I see my phone on the table beside me.

On the corner the screen is cracked but not as bad as I thought it would be. I see messages from a lot of my friends at my school. I look over at the tv. The news was on. I noticed that  they were talking about the villain attack.

" ... Hero's that was their at this horrific sene said that they felt betrayed because two of the most respected hero's are now villains. Kai what do you think about this horrific event that happened just a couple of hours ago?"

" Well, to tell you the truth I was shocked that two "hero's" are now villains and even let someone attack and hospitalized their daughter! Who was packing her bag and walked to go back to her grandmothers. Then got attacked by a villain. Poor girl must be terrified! We all just hope she makes a full recovery. "

Said Kai.

Kai was a guy I used to watch when the news was on. Nice guy and said it how it is. He didn't put his opinion in too much but didn't see things as black and white either.

The Lady gives off a mean look  and starts to speak again.

" But how can we be for sure that she isn't apart of her parents crime's? All of that could be fake! She could be just like her parents. Someone we all trusted and then boom! Betrayal because we trusted that family! It might run in her DNA!"

They quickly put it to the weather after she said that. I just turned off the tv because it hurt. I can't fully blame them for thinking that but why would I hurt myself and struggle if I was with them? It just doesn't make sense!

I would have made a big seance and then go with them the same time. No a seance where I got hurt but a seance where I was the one helping them in the pain they caused! I hate to know what all happened today! If would have been way too much if you ask me but it's a way to get yourself known. That is just the flashy way of getting yourself out there, but it works.

I look over to the "bedside" table and see a marker. What does my soulmate think? His arm is probably not looking the beast. What could I say? 'Hey sorry your arm probably looks like shit,but hey I'm not dead! Oh and my parents are huge lairs so them and some other villains beat the shit out of me thinking I would join them and killed a lot of people while doing it! Now the whole world thinks I'm joining them .'

I heard the door slowly open. I looked over and seen the doctor walking in with my grandma. Her eyes where red and puffy. It looks like she hasn't slept in a while. I am struggling to hold back tears seeing her like that and just seeing that she was okay.

I tried to speak but I couldn't get the words to come out. I feel like a ball is lodged in my throat. Her breathing quivers when she looks at me. I can see the tears in her eyes waiting to fall. I hold my arm I can move the most up signaling that I wanted a hug.

She practically runs to me and hugs me. She put her head on my shoulder on my okay side.

" Y/N I've shouldn't have made you go get your stuff without me with you." She said as she balled her eyes out.

I hugged her as hard as my arms would let me. The Lady got her a bed so she could spend the night with me. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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