Chtp.8 Getting to Know Each Other

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It's been a couple weeks. Grandpa doesn't have to leave for about three months. I missed him, a lot. He's heartbroken about his kids doing what they did and he is trying to figure out more about the villains they joined. He's helping me not feel bad about the scar I have.

On a mission he had when he was younger he got into a fight with a villain and almost lost his leg. He has a really bad scar on it. For a while he would only wear pants but he's getting a lot better about it and is wearing shorts. Since he has been home he has worn shorts. I think that it's because of me but I'm thankful for him.

When I was still in the hospital Nana was giving him updates about me and told him about my scar. He hasn't brought it up once but he buys me creams and such for it to help it help and be less noticeable. He leaves them on my nightstand for me with a note. He always puts "love you kiddo" on the note.

I'm getting ready for school. Grandma offered to drive me but she has to go about two hours early and it would be hard having to get up that early. At least that's what I told her. I've secretly been getting up early to write to my soulmate in the morning. It's nice to talk to someone like that early in the morning. It's been helping me go on with my day talking to them in the morning.

I got a pen out and wrote on my non scared arm 'Good morning'. A few minutes later they wrote back. 'Good morning how did you sleep?' I wrote back, 'Good,You?' A couple seconds late and they wrote back. 'My sleep was well and I'm glad to hear your was good.' I smiled and wrote back 'I'm glad that yours was well' I giggled a little.

    I wrote out on my upper inner arm 'Are you getting ready for school?' They wrote back ' I am not yet I will soon though,how about you?'

   They always used full sentences and good punctuation. Maybe they were raised more proper then me or something or just liked using good grammar. I wrote back 'Same.' I took a wet wash cloth and washed off some of the earlier writing. After they wrote back 'What time do you need to be at school?'

    They started to wash off their earlier messages. It's easier to do that so we can have more room to talk. I wrote back and said 'I have to be there before 8:25, I normally get to school around 8:10 What about you?' I looked down and seen he wrote,'I normally get to school at 8:15 or 8:20.'

We both told each other that we needed to start getting ready for school. Even though we said that we still keep writing to each other. We asked each other some light hearted questions and some more serious questions. I felt like I could tell them anything and they would not judge me.

Sure sometimes they have been cold or mean but I've known them so long that I can see past that. Some days it gets to me and others days it brings me comfort. It all just depends on the day.

I finish putting on the uniform and I put a sleeve like thing over my arm. I write to them and tell them I'm leaving for school and that I hope they have a good day. I wash off the rest besides the last thing I wrote. After that I put on the jacket. I was getting used to UA and all the new people.

    I go to the kitchen and make lunch for my grandma. She normally just buys food but I decided today that I'm going to make her some to show her some love! Before I walk out I say goodbye to grandpa and head out the door.

    I finally make it to UA. The halls of this place is huge! I see the room grandma stays in. Thankfully no one is here but her. I give her a big smile and sit her lunch down in her mini fridge that she keeps stored away.

     She yells out, " Y/N, what are you doing here so early? Did you get hurt? Let me see." She starts walking towards me to see if I'm okay. I give a small laugh and say, " I'm fine,I just came over to drop off some lunch I made for you!" I let out another little laugh. She smiles at me and gives me a hug.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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