Chtp.6 Everthing I Never Wanted

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A/N hello I hope everyone reading this has a great day/night/evening and is staying safe and healthy I hope you enjoy! ❤️


     When I finally woke up it was already almost eight in the morning. My grandma was still sleeping peacefully in the other bed beside me. I'm hoping I get to leave the hospital soon. I can move one arm but the other arm still hurts. I'm dreading the nasty looks that people will probably give me for what happened.

     I heard the door creek open and I looked to see who it could be. The doctor came in with a worried look on his face. The nurse from yesterday came in with him. She looked displeased and he looked like a lot was on his mind. She quietly shut the door after she walked in.

  She gave me a sad smile and the doctor only kept a frown on his face. " As of now,all of your injuries will be healed in a couple of weeks. We still need to run some more test on you to make sure everything is working well and to see if the quirks used to cause you harm have any long term damage. That's not all I want to talk to you about. The hero's will be here shortly, just to ask you a few questions about what happened," he spoke.

    I wanted to make a sour face at him just saying the last part of his sentence. Everyone must think that I was in on what happened. The doctor gave me a small smile and walked out the door. The nurse gave me a big smile and said if I need anything to press the button that was beside my bed and she would help with whatever I needed. She was a nice lady. I don't think she would be that nice if she thought that I was helping in the villain attack's.

     The news doesn't help with this matter. The news only gives you there options on what happened and not the facts of what happened. They make things look worse or better then what things really are. For hero's,they heavily rely on. If the news says anything about something heroic they did, they get paid more and have a chance of climbing up in the number rating of hero's.

      The first 20 makes the most money in the world. My mother was number 8 and my father was number 5 in the ratings. If they where lower in the scale of importance, the media wouldn't have cared that much about my " involvement," in the awful crime that was committed. It would have just looked like another villain attack.

       A knock could be heard at the door. This one louder then the last. He walked into the room like he owned the place. He eyed me up and down, a look of hatred on his face. The number two hero, Endeavor, was staring me down like I was nothing more but gun on the bottom of his shoe. Arrogance, the first word I would use to describe him.

       He sat down on the seat that was near my bed. He looked me over but his eyes lingering on my hurt arm that was wrapped up. His eyebrows stayed furrowed. Discuss, that was the way he looked at me. He probably thinks I'm with the villain's. 

   " I'm not with them you know, the villains," I spoke with venom in my voice. 

  " I need to investigate further into what you are claiming is true. I need to ask you some questions about what happened and what you know of your parents involvement in it,"  He said with bitterness laced in his words.

I nodded after he spoke. Involvement, he thinks I'm involved with everything that happened that day.

" I would rather not have my grandma around when you interrogate me," I said with almost a sigh.

I don't want her to be angry at them. And if after the interrogation is over and they decide to lock me up, I don't want her to see that. She's been through enough theses recent days. Finding out her daughter is now a villain, it must be a lot for her. I don't want to put her through more pain.

He nodded his head. I seen my grandma stir in her sleep. She's probably about to wake up any minute now. I looked at the clock on the wall. It was already 9:30. She opened her eyes and looked at me with a small smile. When she looked over at the hero, her smile dropped to a frown.

I gave her a small smile. The smile didn't reach my eyes but it was the best one I could muster at this given moment. She looked at me, then at him and back again. She's probably confused why the number two pro hero is in my hospital room. If I was her I would be confused too. I sighed a little.

"Good morning grandma. I need to go with him because he needs me to answer a few questions about what happened okay. I love you. I'll be right back," I spoke.

She looked like she was going to relate to what I said.

I asked, "Can you please give me a second to get properly dressed before you ask questions?"

He nodded his head then spoke, " I'll be outside your door, just come out when your done."

I sighed as I heard the door shut behind him. I turned in the hospital bed so I could get out. Grandma walked over to me. She offered me her hand so I could keep my balance as I got off the bed. The look in her eyes I could tell she was angry about what happened.

She walked to a bag laying in the room and gave me a bra, underwear, grey sweatpants,socks,and a blue hoodie. I smiled and thanked her for handing me clothes. I got dressed fast. I took a step towards the door. As I was trying to walk to it she took ahold of my hand. I turned around and looked at her. She had determination in her eyes. My mother inherited her eyes, but I got my Dads eyes.

"You don't have to do this. It's rude that he did this and you still hurt and in the hospital," she spoke angrier laced in her voice.

"I know but the sooner I speak with him the early I'll be home and not looked at as a criminal," I said with a fake smile.

   Home. How would I be able to call the place I grew up in home any more? Was all of it a lie? Where they a rat this whole time? It practically made my blood boil thinking about it. I couldn't imagine what grandma is going through. What are you supposed to do when you find out your daughter is a villain? I gave her a smile then headed out the door.

He was on the wall opposite of the door. His arms are crossed over his chest. He looks at me and nodded his head. He began walking. I followed him, keeping a distance between us. One more guys follow behind me. He was a hero that my dad was close to.

Endeavor opens a door for me. I walk in and the hero follows me inside. There's a table. One seat on one aside and three on the other. I sit in the chair. The two of them sit opposite of me.

    Do I need a lawyer is the first thing that pops in my mind. I recognize the pro hero Hawks. He was a close friend to my Dad. They worked with each other for years.I knock is heard on the door. All-Might walks in, a bright smile on his face. He sits at the last chair in the room.

   All-Might spoke,"Shall we get this started?"

Word count -1345

Soulmate {Shoto Todoroki x Female reader} Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin