Chapter 24

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Fall 2020

Once they had made the decision to add to their family things moved quickly. They made an appointment with their doctor as soon as possible, and, much like with Brittany's pregnancy, they decided on a donor pretty quickly. Santana fell in love with the profile of a blonde, blue-eyed former gymnast who was currently working as a veterinarian. Brittany thought it was a great choice and so they began the procedure fully prepared to go through several tries before Santana fell pregnant.

When Santana had a positive pregnancy test after the first insemination they were both incredibly surprised. They were both positively thrilled, but surprised nonetheless. Brittany was really happy though, because she didn't know how she would have been able to handle seeing the disappointment on her wife's face if it had failed. Even though they knew it was likely it would fail, Brittany knew Santana still would have taken it hard.

She was grateful Santana didn't have to go through that. But Santana did have a much rougher pregnancy than Brittany did, for which she did feel bad about. Brittany understood, much like Santana did, that no two pregnancies are alike. But neither of them were expecting Santana to have much more severe mood swings and morning sickness.

Brittany spent a large chunk of time in the morning taking care of both Mac and Santana since Santana spent several hours vomiting pretty intensely every morning. Thankfully her wife's morning sickness pretty much stayed within the morning hours, and then Santana was able to go about her day.

Brittany always worried about her though, and she always made sure to be there when Santana was sick or needed help. Brittany was glad she was tolerant of Santana's protective nature when she was pregnant, because she was turning out to be way more protective than Santana had been. Santana seemed to be surprised by this, and even Brittany didn't realize how much she was going to feel the need to be with and take care of Santana at like all times.

Brittany was just so worried about her wife and unborn baby. Her mind would constantly race about all the things that could possibly happen when she wasn't there. Her brain would only seem to calm down when she was around Santana and able to take care of the brunette. Brittany just honestly didn't know what she would do if something happened to them, and she wanted nothing to mar Santana's dream of carrying a child for them. So she was constantly hovering around her wife, and thankfully Santana was tolerant of it.

At least for the most part. Brittany wasn't too thrilled about the idea of them going back to Lima for the dedication of the McKinley High auditorium to Finn. Sue's people had called a few weeks after they found out Santana was pregnant to extend the invitation for all of the people who were involved with the New Directions to come to the ceremony. The ceremony was in a few weeks, so they unfortunately had quite a bit of time to argue about it.

Brittany really wanted to go, and she knew that Santana wanted to go, too. But Brittany was nervous about Santana travelling and being around everyone so early in her pregnancy. They didn't want to tell anyone yet, and Brittany was kind of worried about the stress of trying to hide the pregnancy as well as just the general stress of the trip and everything would be a lot for Santana to handle.

Not to mention that, since Brittany was acting way more protective of Santana than she usually was, she kind of figured she would be a big red flag to anyone paying attention that something was up. She didn't want to ruin it by making people suspicious, and she didn't want Santana to be upset with her if she did. In the end, Santana demanded that they go. So Brittany figured it was better to make Santana happy by going than telling her they were staying home.

Brittany stressed the whole trip. She was concerned about the plane ride with their young son as well as with Santana's pregnancy. She kept asking Santana if she was okay and if she needed anything. Santana's hormones made her a little irritated with Brittany, but she was used to handling her wife's mood swings and let it roll off her back. Since Mac was doing well on the plane, Brittany started to relax a little bit.

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