Chapter 3

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That same night, all the campers had been told to meet up by the lakes edge, where we'd be given a map and torches. The night activities were mainly set up to help with some of campers fears, while I just wanted to escape doing anything at all in the dark.

Mr Zeal and His wife stood beside the counsellors, talking amongst themselves about which area they would be supervising. "Blake do you think you could do kick the can on one of the fields?" He asked.

"Sure, but wouldn't it be too dark to do that? What it one of them hurts themselves?" He responded.

Mr Zeal fell silent for a moment, wondering what activity he could use rather than something outright stupid and dangerous. He turned towards some of the campers and then back towards Blake, "go to the main hall and take your sister Lynne with you and set up a game of your choice" he suggested. Mr Zeal handed the rest of the counsellors maps.

Lynne was Blakes older sister, she was a lot taller and slimmer than the rest of her siblings; her hair was long and black, with what seemed to be blonde streaks running all the way around her head. Her lips were perky and her eyes were a honey brown color, just like Blakes. They shared the same facial features, it was pretty obvious that they got their looks from Mr Zeal. Although, their Mom wasn't that bad looking either, she was tall, blonde and had these bright blue eyes. All of the Zeal family were practically walking models, no wonder they're mostly into sports.

Finn nudged me with his shoulder, "What activity shall we do first?" He asked.

"Wherever Blake goes, I go" I smiled at him, as if I wasn't even trying to hide the fact that I was beginning to gain what seemed to be a crush.

Finn jumped up and down on the spot for a moment "The main hall? I'm so down!" He gripped my wrist pulling me into a sprint.

I stopped for a moment trying to catch my breath "Finn, they haven't even finished handing out the maps" I said.

He stopped, turning himself back around and running towards the counsellors. "Wait there!" He shouts.

I lean forward placing my hands on my knees and taking a deep breath, "I'm way to unfit to try and catch up with him" I said to myself.

"Got them!" He came bounding back over towards me, the closer he came the more I began to worry that he could potentially collide into me.

"Sto-" Before I could even tell him to stop, he collided into me sending me flying onto my back, taking the oxygen right out of my body. Everything around me went blurry for a moment as pain shot through my body, "Urgh" I groaned, wrapping my arms around my stomach as I pulled my legs up towards my chest.

"So-sorry" he stuttered, looking down at me. "Did I hurt you? Are you okay?"

A few other campers stood around laughing at the accident, one of them chanted "Finn the Clumsy" over and over again, causing others join in.

"What the hell?" Lynne said kneeling down beside me, "you alright?" She asked, wrapping her arm around my back and sitting me up straight to help me breathe.

Blake came up behind her, looking down at me and then back towards the other campers. "Alright, all of you head off now!" He shouts, pointing his hand away from me.

I looked up at Lynne trying to avoid the pain that was now at the bottom of my back, "y-yeah, I'll be fine" I stuttered.

Finn took my hand helping me up to my feet, "I'm sorry about that" he sighed. "I guess I didn't know when to stop"

I looked at him furrowing my eyebrows and trying to wipe the dirt off of my clothes. "Is that how you got that nickname?" I responded.

"No, I got that in school, even Damien uses it, I'm just clumsy. The nickname kind of goes with it"

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