Chapter 6

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I laid on top of one of the boulders, staring up mindlessly at the sky, placing my hands behind my head. Letting my mind wonder as the clouds formed different shapes. It made me miss being home with my dad and Stepmom, although, my dad losing his leg was probably one of the worst things to happen to us. The other stuff never really crossed my mind much, I didn't exactly know my real mom the way the world expects me too. Marcy on the other hand, acted like the mom I never had, even if she couldn't replace her spot; she was still there when both of us needed her.

I missed home. I missed them.

Tears began to well up in my eyes, i tried to pull myself together for a moment; but even that failed. I sat up, pulling my knees to my chest and wrapping my arms around my legs; resting my forehead on my knees. It had been so long since I cried, I couldn't even remember the last time I did cry. It wouldn't even Surprise me, if it was something stupid. For some reason, I wanted to feel numb. I craved being and feeling numb; even if nothing helped me feel that.

An hour had passed by, I didn't move from the spot I was sat in. I looked up at the water, getting up to my feet and undressing. It wasn't as if I was going to just sit there. I needed to do something and the best plan I had was jumping into that water; even if it was cold.

I left my clothes in a sprawled pile on the boulder, and stepped up to its edge, it was pretty high up from the water, but who really cared? I finally had the courage to jump, it was deep enough to not get hurt and for some reason, it was the best thing I had done.

The water was cold at first and then I felt as if it was hugging me, it was warm. Just like at home, warmth and love. Although, the water was dangerous, I still didn't have a care in the world, I kept swimming around as if I had all day. As if, I wasn't missing from camp, as if- Shit. Camp.

I quickly pulled myself out of the water, realising I had no towel to dry myself off. "Finns definitely said something now." I said to myself as I scrambled up to the top of the boulder, grabbing my clothes and attempting to pull my sweatpants up my legs. Just as I pulled them up, I could hear twigs breaking, as if someone or something was edging its way closer towards me.

I slid down the rock, leaving my sweatshirt on top of it, "Zack?" A familiar feminine voice shouts out.

"He's got to be around here somewhere" another masculine voice replied. "There's a shirt on top of that boulder, so he has to be here; let the rest of the counselors know will you?"

I pull myself up, looking around the corner just to see Lynne and Blake walking over. "I've been caught now..." I mumbled.

"Not caught-" Lynne said, looking over at me, raising an eyebrow, "you went for a swim huh?"

"Uhm" I looked down at the floor, my feet were muddy from rushing and not putting my shoes on. "I thought you guys were animals... I didn't-"

Blake pulled my shirt off the boulder and took his counselor jacket off, handing it down to me. "You look pretty cold." He smiled.

I smiled back slightly, looking up at him and putting my shirt on, along with his jacket. "Y-yeah, kind of" I replied. "Will I get into any trouble?"

"Not if I can help it" Blake replied, watching as Lynne headed back through the treeline, talking into the walkie talkie. "Why are you here, anyway? Finn came looking for you and when he couldn't find you, he came to get me."

I frowned thinking about what happened, Reese and Dylan always seem to make things harder. "I- look, okay, I just needed some time alone... With my thoughts" I replied, pushing my hands into the pockets of his jumper.

"Thinking can be dangerous, you know?" he replied. We walked for a little while, Lynne was out of view now she had just dispersed back to the day-activities. "If you do need anyone to talk too, i'm here."

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