chapter 9

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Blake took it upon himself to explain what we would be doing in the cafeteria, whilst Dylan and Reese spent the majority of their time sat munching away on the left over marshmallows. He explained how we were all going to get along and have fun; the only fun that I would even get out of it, would be sleep. Yet all it was, was another activity on the very day we were supposed to be resting, and having our 1-1 meetings with our counselors. Lynne took over that role for him, and all we were left to do was to... Build a shelter.

Blake came into our cabin early hours of the morning, practically pushing all of us to get out of bed. Whilst, Jade complained about the lights and the whining in the background, she never really had a day to herself. She just had to sit and watch; luckily for her, she didn't have to deal with me or the brothers. She had an empty cabin until tomorrow, that would have been a perfect dream boat for me. Freedom and all...

"Come on, get up Reese!" Dylan complained, rubbing his eyes. He grabbed all his things and placed them into a small backpack, "Blake is getting angry.."

Reese rolled of the bed, creating a loud thump and one of the planks of wood to snap. "Oops..." He said, letting out a small laugh. "Fine, it's too early for this. Why do we have to go now?"

Blake leaned against the door, scrolling through my cellphone once again. "You don't want to build a shelter in the dark do you? If you do, then so be it. We can spend all night with no sleep." He replied.

Quite frankly, that would have just made all of us argue and he didn't want that. I pulled the small backpack we were given up onto my shoulder, and headed towards the door. "I'm ready" I said, insisting on Blake to move so I could leave and let the boys complain more.

Blake pushed his hair back, looking down at me more aggressively and then sarcasm fell from his mouth. "I can tell, you don't need to tell me again." He paused for a moment looking up to jade and then back to Dylan and Reese. "Boys, you have 5 minutes. And, Aiden I'll call Mr Zeal to let him know you're having a lay-in today because of these brats" he spat.

He wasn't in a good mood, at all. That also meant, we were in for a hell of a day. It was pretty obvious that he didn't want to do this, let alone spend an entire night with all four of us. "Can I sit outside please?" I insisted on leaving, I just wanted to get out of here as quickly as I possibly could.

Yet, he gave me nothing in response; he leaned against the door staring down at my phone, scrunching his nose. As if, it was pleasurable for him to watch me get frustrated, listening to the both of them.

Reese and Dylan picked their bags up and stood beside me, both of them complaining amongst themselves. "Alright, let's go get finn" Blake said, placing the phone in his pocket and opening the door.

By the time we reached Finn's cabin, he was all ready and set to go. Although, he looked exhausted, he rubbed his eyes looking over at all of us. "Why so early?" He complained.

"Fress air at 5am is better than nothing at all. Besides, we need to get a move on." Blake responded, he pushed his hands into his pockets, walking further ahead from us.

Finn stumbled along beside me, whilst Dylan and Reese were walking behind us. "I hate this" Finn said, "why do we have to do this with those two idiots? I don't understand how I'm involved!"

"Did you not hear what Blake said last night?" I paused kicking a muddy stone in front of me and watching it hop against the bumps of the pathway. "He said about our behaviour between all four of us, being really bad. The pride flag, the word attacks, the stuff they've done to us both... As much as I hate the idea and want to actually get lost, it might be good so we can get our frustrations out..."

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