Chapter 7

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It had been almost a week since I spoke to Mr Zeal about all my personal problems. Fake problems. He didn't exactly need to know why I walked off by myself, alone in those woods. Having a good gay cry to myself. He spoke about being more open and honest and coming to one of counselors if I ever needed help or just to talk. The truth was, I didn't want to talk. I didn't want to tell them Reese and Dylan are the issue. I didn't want to cause a fuss.

Mr Zeal offered me to call my dad, he even pushed the phone towards me; whilst Blake sat at the back of his office, scrolling through my phone. He didn't even blink an eye about who's phone it was, he just sat there being all sincere and caring. He was nice enough to offer, but that wasn't even my problem. I didn't want to call my dad or Marcy, I just wanted to get rid of Reese and Dylan.

Oh, the pain. Oh, the torture.

Admittedly, I had spent a lot more time at the activities blake had organised this past week, I had grown a lot closer to him than I was expecting. We would spend a few hours talking, he shared some memories about being here. Even, about his childhood. Who knew, that he lived in Idaho before moving here. He seemed like he's lived in this state all his life, then again, he knew more than I did. All I knew was my own family, my mom's death, my dad and Marcy... All I knew was them.

Getting to know him more, seemed ideal considering he was my counselor and this was supposed to help me. Like it did every year, except this time I'm bunked up with homophobics and adorable jade. But then, I really did find myself falling for him, I couldn't even fathom the fact that he is this guy now. Wanting to become a psychology professor and wanting to move back to Idaho to teach. He was a dream boat... Urgh. Gayness.


I rolled out of bed, wondering what the time was. Yet, everyone was asleep. My mind was still throbbing with consistent thoughts about Blake and how much of a possibility we could be. I sat up, dragging my suitcase out from under the bed and pulling a jacket out. Standing up, I head to the cabin door opening it as quietly as possible, then closing it as quiet as possible too.

I didn't exactly have an area in mind, I just let my feet drag me to wherever they wanted to be. And, unfortunately, that was right outside Blake's cabin. "Jesus-" I mumbled to myself. "What am i-"

"You're awake huh?" His voice rang out behind me. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"I thought-" I stopped myself from making any excuses, he knew something was wrong. I turned around and sat down on the steps, resting my elbows against my knees and my head in my hands. "There isn't any point in lying is there?" I murmured sluggishly.

He sat down beside me, placing his hand in his pocket and pulling out my cell phone. "Not unless you have something to hide" he replied.

I looked up at the clear sky, the stars were clear and bright. Which, was the first since I've been here. It's been cloudy the majority of the time. "Why haven't you put that away?" I asked.

"Let's get out of the cold, shall we?" He got up ignoring the question entirely and placing the phone back in his pocket, as if he was teasing me.

I followed him inside, his cabin smelled like fresh linen; it wouldn't surprise me if his mom cleaned his cabin. She liked the smell of fresh linen, from what I remember anyway. His bed was situated in the middle of the cabin, below the window, just like mine was. Beside the bed stood a mini fridge full of sodas and snacks. Across from the bed was a desk, a desk chair and a laptop; along with 3 educational books with the topics being, psychology, anatomy and medicine. There was a wardrobe at the end of the cabin and 2 pairs of shoes that sat neatly in front of them. Just beside the wardrobe stood 2 large blue suitcases and 2 bottles of jack Daniels sat next to them.

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