Chapter 4

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The counsellors would usually call everyone out of bed for about 7am, which made me think that it was a lot earlier in the day. The sun still hadn't risen over the horizon and the glare from it, would have woken me up, unfortunately that wasn't the situation today.

I sat up looking around the room to see if anyone was awake or had left, but the room was full of complete darkness; only the faint noise of snoring from the bunk beds could be heard. It was as if, the last week had really knocked Dylan and Reese out, not even with their mischievous behaviours around camp could do that.

Pulling myself from the bed sheets, I walk across the cabin to the small shower room at the back; switching the shower on, I lock the door behind me and begin to undress.

"Who's in there?" a voice rings out from the other side of the door.

I stood still for a moment allowing for the water to heat up, "it's just me, Aiden" I whispered "Do you know what the time is?"

"Hold on let me check my watch" he whispered in response. A silent pause filled the gap, only the water falling from the shower head and hitting the floor could be heard. "It's 5.30, why are you up so early?"

"Can I shower and then talk to you?" I respond.


footsteps lead away from me, allowing me to step into the steamy hot water and wash off my sleep. The shower gel we were supplied had no scent to it, it was as plain as my morning was going. I washed my hair, letting it fall into its own mess and then down my body; climbing out I grabbed the body towel and wrapped it around my hips. Unlocking the door and heading over to my bed.

In a low tone I whispered to Aiden, "do you have a torch? I just want to get a change of clothes?"

"Do I look like I carry a torch around with me?" Aiden let a small laugh out, "I'm pretty sure Dylan and Reese do as they went out a few hours ago. There's a panel of wood just under the window that can be moved, hold on I'll get it"

I sat on my bed watching him stumble around the cabin, to find the small panel and pry it off the wall as quietly as he could. Only to reveal a large pocket and it's contents. A cigarette packet, a lighter, a journal, a few envilopes, a torch and 2 cell phones.

I rolled my eyes letting out a soft sigh, "no wonder they haven't been caught with their cell phones" I said, As Aiden handed me the torch, I switched it on and began pulling out my suitcase and flipping the lid over onto the wooden floor boards.

Aiden walked back over to his bed, pulling the duvet up over himself again, "I'm a light sleeper you know, you should be more quiet" he cried.

"Sorry if I woke you up" I smirked. "You can go back to sleep, I'm going to see if any of the counsellors are awake" I pulled out some of my clothing and laid it out beside me, standing up I pulled my underwear underneath my towel and then my sweatpants. Removing the towel from my body I grabbed a random shirt and pulled it over my head.

I wasn't really worried about my hair, it could stay a mess and still look half decent at the least. I used the other side of the towel and went over my hair for a moment dropping it onto the bed, then closing my suitcase and pushing it back under. My jumper was laid on the night stand, which was a blessing as I wasn't in the mood to search for it.

Heading out of the cabin, I closed the door behind me and made my way towards the main building. The weather wasn't as cold as what I had imagined, which was another blessing in disguise.

"Oi!" A high feminine voice rang out across the camp, "what are you doing outside your cabin? You should be in bed?"

I stopped standing still in complete shock, "uhm- I-" what the hell do I do now?

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