chapter 12

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I laid wide awake in bed, the cabin echoed with everyone's snoring and movement. It was nearly time to leave, yet I didn't have the energy to even get up and out of bed. I looked over to the door, hoping that maybe he would show up and drag me out of bed. That was only going to be a bad thing, because of Dylan and Reese. Even if they had the energy to wake up and see me leave, I don't think they'd tell considering Lynne is already helping me.

I groaned to myself quietly, lifting the duvet off of myself once more. The sound of the wood below my feet creaked just slightly under my weight. "Jade?" I whispered poking her, "Jade wake up!" I tapped her face, hoping that it would wake her, but to no avail.

I turned around and pulled my jumper over my head and began to walk out of the cabin, the floorboards creaked a bit more under my weight. When I finally reached the door, I opened it slowly and stepped outside into the crisp, cold air, then closed the door behind me. I pulled my hood up over my head and then made a run for it down the drive towards Blake's cabin.

His light was on and the door was open, I could hear Mr Zeals voice inside the cabin. Maybe leaving my own cabin early was a bad idea, I hid just down the side of the cabin in hopes that he wouldn't catch me and eavesdropped on the conversation.

I could hear Mr Zeal walking around in the cabin as the floor boards creaked beneath him, "Blake, for now I think it's only in your best interest, his best interests and the camps best interest that you stop continuing this affair you have. I'm not angry with You-" he was cut off, by a load groan and another raised voice.

"Michael, he's young. We were exactly like Blake when we were his age, sneaking around at night, talking about all of this..." Mrs Zeal replied. "Zach is good for our son, why didn't you take any of what Lynne had said into account?"

Blakes voice then rose above his mom's, he was angry, in fact he seemed more furious with his dad. "It's my decision and I'm not causing favouritism between any of the boys in my group" he lied, "Moving Zach isn't going to help him, I've seen how well he's improved, he's organised, motivated, enthusiastic! Why can't you see that yourself?" He paused for a moment, walking out of his cabin and throwing his jumper onto his shoulders. "By the looks of it all, you're exactly like Grandpa. You lied to Lynne and all you're trying to do is cause chaos!"

"Blake, come back inside" his mom shouts after him, "This isn't going to solve anything"

I could hear Mr Zeal mutter to Mrs Zeal, but I couldn't make out what he was saying. Blake was stood outside his cabin door, leaning on the railings facing the cabin next door to him. He looked like he was fighting a war between what he wanted and what was expected of him, I was only going to ruin his family, to ruin him.

"Dad, mom... I love Zach" he announced. "I do, but pressuring us to avoid this will only create more problems for you. I have 4 more weeks, I'll go back to college for my final exam and then what? I just move on with life? No..." He replied defeated, the battle scars were showing and the tears stained his cheeks.

"We know, I know" his mom cooed, walking outside and embracing him in her arms. "If this is what you want, then I understand but your father may not ever agree and that's on him"

Mr Zeal stepped out of the cabin and down the steps, looking over at Blake, "I give up" he replied. "When things go bad Blake, just know that I'm here"

Blakes face turned sour at his dad's response, he turned and walked into his cabin; he didn't even watch as his parents left. I didn't blame him for it. It was a shame that his dad never gave us a second glance, but we still didn't even know what we were. Mrs Zeal and Mr Zeal said goodnight to Blake and left for their own beds, it was a good thing I was never caught; however, it's not going to be good trying to get back to my own cabin later.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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