Chapter 4

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The train slowed and then came to an halt. Passengers rushed to descend the train. Eventually the pushes got too brutal for me to tolerate so we sat there waiting for the crowd to disappear or at least be sparse.

I was about to pull out my bag when a hand beat me to it.

"Let me do it." Alex said

How did he even get in?

"Hello Alex."

"Mornin' Adaline." The other guy greeted, before turning to force a grumpy Rachael into a hug.

Some reason I didn't remember his name. I just knew he was elder brother of Rach's other egomaniac brother. I quickly collected my stuff from my berth and Alex unlatched the hooks and suspended it.

I was double checking my purse's content because my OCD made me do it.

They carried the luggage to the platform and I did a last sweep before getting off the train.

I followed them to their car and this time I helped passing the luggage because it was too embarrassing to let them do the labour.

I was about to open the back door when Rach stopped me.

"Ad, take the shotgun please, I have to talk to Sam."

"Okay?" I said and looked towards the person whose name I now knew.

As usual his face was as blank as a sheet and I started getting flustered.

He was so good looking. Just not my age.

I called my mom because I knew she would be awake by now and awaiting my call. I was busy talking to her when Alex pulled out of the lot.

The traffic was terrible.

Alex noticed my expression and whispered so not to disturb my mom who was chatting away "Welcome to Delhi."

"Dad was very anxious the whole night, so I'll probably call again and you can give him an update"

"Will do mum."

"Bye. Take care."

"Bye mom. Love you."

Disconnecting the call I looked outside the window and saw a blur of trees.

I missed Jodhpur already.

From far away I noticed the blue building and a jolt of happiness shot through me.

I couldn't believe I bought it with my own savings. It was my home.

"Here are your keys. We'll take the luggage, you -" Alex pointed at me "- don't make that face, what sort of men are we if we let you carry the load?"

I grimaced.

"Get fresh and then we'll take you home for breakfast. Later we'll send someone to help you unpack" Sam said.

Why was he so sweet!?

Our apartment was on the fourth floor. We took the elevator and they carried the luggage towards the flat.

I quickly unlocked the door and we entered our place.

As soon as I unpacked my clothes, I ran for the shower. The good part about this apartment was not the awesome balcony or the huge french doors that filled the flat with sunlight. No the best part were the en suite bathroom.

I took the fastest shower and got dressed. All within an hour.

I was grabbing my essentials and stuffing them in a clean purse when Rach knocked on my door.


Locking the door, we rushed downstairs. Sam had somewhere to be and he was late.

Alex drove us to Rach's aunt's house.

You know when you are spaced out and things happen around you and it feels like a film playing. You know it's real but your brain is having trouble catching up. Yup, my brain choose that moment to space out.

I don't even know when we reached the gated community her aunt lived in.

Rachael grabbed my hand and dragged me right through the main door. I didn't even got time to check my appearance. My conscious was screaming for me to take a minute before it got overwhelming, but it was too late. We were in.

The house was crowded. No matter how many times I've seen their family photos, the number always freaked me out.

I met Rachel's elder sibling, who was there with his wife and twin daughters.

Elena, Rach's cousin caught me in a hug and shook me.
"Hello beautiful."

Startled I stepped back and then huffed a laugh.

"Heyy." I greet her.

Before we could indulge in any talk, Rach tugged my hand and nodded towards the kitchen.

I threw Elena an apologetic smile.

The kitchen was so crowded. All of Rach's aunts were busy by the stove. Ricky, Elena's dad and guys who I guessed were the other other uncles I haven't met yet were setting the table.

A chortle of 'Adaline' echoed through the kitchen and then I was passed around, hugged by every damn member. Oh I loved the attention.

Her aunt welcomed us with a hug. I secretly breathed a lungful of dosa aroma emanating from her.

Following her to the dining hall I ran into the person I avoid the most. I squinted my eyes at the most remarkable piece of man ever created. After Sam, obviously.

"Hi Luke." Rachel greeted.


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