Chapter 3

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I took a deep breath and turned around. Rachael was busy riffling through a bag. I sat beside her.

"I'm so excited!" She squealed taking out her headphones.

"Me too."

I said knowing too well that it wasn't true. Not at the moment.

My phone pinged and I fished it out.

'You guys on board?'

I smiled at the text.

Blake Richards, the third pillar of our trio. She was out of town for a wedding and because Indian weddings last for a while, she couldn't make it back in time to see me off.

'Wow, someone finally got time to text me. You took a break from ogling at the Amber guy?'

'I wasn't ogling at him!!! He was acting funny and anywayyyy.... I just woke up. The Vedaii was a horrible event. Like Tanvi aunty kept crying and pulling her daughter in a hug and the groom was like rakh lo yrr (keep her) . Itna ronna tha toh shaadi kyu karii?? (If you were gonna cry this much why get her married??)

'Insensitive much? Of course they'll cry. She won't come back.'

While she was typing a reply, I thought what she would think of me. I mean I was just leaving for studies and I felt like breaking into tears any moment.

'It's not like she won't visit. Plus people get married every day and not every family is so teary.'

'Dude, not every family is Indian family and we both know not all Indian marriages are love marriages. Plus waking up every day and not seeing her doing whatever she does can be pretty depressing.'

'True that. So you guys boarded or what?'

'Yeah we boarded.'

'Gosh I wish I was there. You guys will have so much fun and I'll be stuck here with my studies with no one to visit.'

I wanted to tell her that living with Rach wouldn't exactly be fun because she can be moody and how we also had to study and how scary it can be to live without your family but instead I typed

'Yeah. You can always visit us'

She replies with a 🤗.

I looked up to see Rach giving me a weird look.


"Who are talking to?" She asked bluntly and by her looks she knew the answer.

I decided to change the topic.

"Do you have an earbud?" I asked itching my outer ear emphasizing on my point.

She riffled though her bag and handed me one receiving a smile in return.

"I don't like it." She said.

I furrowed my brows in confusion. Rach being Rach gave a subtle shake of her head and went back to listening music. One thing that I absolutely hated about Rach was that she loved playing the victim. Like right now. She acts as if my friendship with Blake will effect my feelings for her all the while she acts like a drama queen thirsty for my attention. And then as if it's not enough she would act hurt for no apparent reason and when asked for the reason she just dismisses it as if too afraid to speak and hurt my feelings when all she is trying is to get attention and show others that she is important than them.

I huff knowing that she would want me to push her to explain but I was way too tired to deal with her. I logged into my Instagram account and scrolled though my saved post looking for ideas to decorate my place.

Before leaving Alessia and I had made a folder for that particular reason.

I smiled thinking about decorating my flat. It was a thing I was looking forward too.

It was nine pm when we decided to eat the roti and roasted vegetables mom had packed for dinner.
I went to sleep right after.

The shrill sound of my alarm woke me up. I jolted upright in my seat banging my head on the berth above mine.

I rubbed my head as I shook Rach awake who was sleeping like a hibernating polar bear.

A white line of dried saliva stretched from her mouth to her left ear.

"Rach. Rachael!"

"What?!! Did we miss the station?"
she asked as she rubbed her eyes.

"No, but we will if you don't hurry." I tell her as I search for the bottle of mouth wash. There was no way I would use my toothbrush anyway near the sinks of train, so mouth wash was it.

I had just finished my morning routine when the train reached Kent, a stop before we entered the Delhi station. People jostled around, pushing other to make way as they passed our coach. I took advantage of the still ground and applied my sacred eyeliner I wouldn't miss for the world. When I was done I let Rach use the mirror to make herself somewhat presentable.

The train starts for Delhi and we pack our stuff. I fold my sheets and put them in a separate bag. Rach gives me with a weird look.

Just because you don't have a OCD doesn't mean it gives you a right to judge people who do.

I look through the blurry glass, the fields as we pass them. Sunlight falling on the plains making the scene look aesthetic.

"I'm so hungry." Rach complains.

"We're almost there." I tell her.

Her aunt had called last night to inform that Rach's cousins would be there to pick us and also asked me not to pack breakfast because she wanted to cook special Dosa for me and there was no way I could argue after hearing Dosa. It was my weak point. People could make me commit murder for it.

My breathing hitched as the train hauled with a jolt.

Delhi, here we come.

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