Chapter 7

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"Why are you calling me when we both are in the house? Forget that. You have my number?" I cock a brow.

He cocks on right back. Ahhh frustrating human specimen.

"LG?" He asked

"Dodging the questions aren't we?" I reply.

I see his smooth throat work before he speaks.

"I'm assigned to take you home. We exchanged number the last time you visited remember? To enquire about the university. You probably forgot about it. Age does that to people."

I pursue my lips to keep me from smiling but I think my face gave it away because his lips started twitching.

He nods his dimpled chin towards my phone.

"So boyfriend?" He asks.

"I'll go get Rachael." And with that I'm out of the room before he could blink.

I shake my head. What was I thinking naming him LG?
I snicker remember why I saved that name.

It was Christmas time and aunt Naina had asked Luke to give me a tour of the University I had applied to.

All I remember is thinking he's gotta have a flaw. I mean how can someone be so perfect?
Perfect face, perfect family, perfect grades, perfect reputation. Perfect perfect perfect.

He was giving me a tour of the campus when his girlfriend texted and he left me. Alone. Among strangers.

Now, don't judge me. I was pissed. I couldn't scream or shout at him BECAUSE HE WASN'T THERE. So when he returned, some 15 mins later, sans apology, to calm myself, I gave him a flaw. And a name.
Little guy.
If you know what I mean.
*Wink* *wink*

I smack my head remembering the incidence, but I couldn't bring myself to change the name.

I find Rachael talking on her phone.
I tap on her shoulder.
'We gotta go' I mouth.
She nods her head and follows me through the house.

"Oh I almost forgot!" Renuka, Rach's mum grabs my hand.

"A friend of Sam is getting married this weekend. You must come along."


"No buts. Elena will swing by later to help you unpack- do not attempt to do it alone, you'll tire yourself- she'll give you the details." Naina aunty says.

I nod, wave and then step outside the house.

Luke is backing out his BMW. Ofcourse he owns a BMW.

The doors unlock with a beep and I dive into the back seat. Oh there was no way in hell I was sitting beside him.
Thankfully Rachael pays no attention and slides in the passengers seat.

The rest of the ride is silent, except for Rach's occasional responses.

Luke pulls into the parking lot and I narrow my eyes. He wasn't planning on staying was he?

He pushed open his door and I groan.
Apparently too loudly because he ducks back inside to look at me. I clear my throat and turn towards my door.

Before I could reach the handle, Luke pulls it open.
I grab my purse and do a last sweep of the seat because ocd.

I walk slowly hoping he'll get back in the car. But no. He was in a hurry to get inside because I was not even half inside the building and he was there hold open an elevator with his foot.

The elevator rises slowly and the doors slide with a chime. Yes my elevator chimes.

I pull out my keys and unlock the door, sending out a final prayer hoping the lord would listen and have mercy.

Luke follows us inside and makes himself familiar with the kitchen, which is surprising stocked.

Ignoring him, which wasn't easy just so you know, I walk to my room and shut the door.

Do I lock it?

I don't usually lock it but usually there is no guy in the house.
What if he thinks I locked the door because I don't trust him?
But I can't can't lock the door when he is right next to my room.

I bite back a groan and shuffle towards my bathroom. I can lock it without offending anyone.

I'm done changing my clothes when the aroma of tea hits me and I rush out of my room.

Luke is balancing three cups in his hands and looks up when I approach.

He stops abruptly and the hot tea sloshes on his shirt and I flinch.

I move forward to help him and he steps back.

I frown.

"You shouldn't be wearing that when you have a guy over." He says

I look at my ratty oversized shirt.
It was knee length. What even..?

"Whatever Luke. You shouldn't be wearing that right now. First it's gonna leave a blister if you don't wash it and second it will stain you shirt."

As if he just realised that he spilled the tea, he looks down and scrunches his nose. It's an adorable sight.

He slowly extends the cups towards me and I grab two.

Rachael is still busy talking to God knows who and hasn't come out of her room yet.

So it left me no other choice but to
"You can use my bathroom, it's this way."

I point behind with my thumb.

He places his cup on the headboard and it triggers my ocd.


"Jeez Adaline!" He snatches his hand back and turns to glare at me.

"Sorry. Ocd." I say as I place Rach's cup on the table right outside my room.

I find Lux's shirt I secretly sneaked and place it over the bed and shut it behind me.

Five mins later the door open and there he is, looking grumpy.

I sip my tea as I watch him fret over his shirt.

He was such a bimbo.


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