Chapter 2

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I woke up early the next day, high on anxiety. Alessia made pancakes covered in nutella especially for me. Oh how will I live without her and her new found baking recipes. I was on my third pancake when my phone rang.

"Hello" I said slowly.

"Hi, just checking if your are still alive. I know how anxious you can get." Musa said.

"Haha. Yeah I haven't died." Yet.

"I don't know what you are so worried about. Its not like you won't see us ever again and let me remind you we are just one call away. Besides we both know that you would have to move out sooner or later. You are just overthinking." she said.

"Oh well. I've got to go. I have to pick up Rach, don't wanna be late or she'll go nuts."

"Yeah just text me when you guys reach." she said

"Will do." I assured and she hung up.

The morning spent in crosschecking the stuff I packed. Musa came over to see me off.

During lunch everyone kept giving me advices. Dad asked to keep updating, Mum said try not to eat much takeaways, Al said to keep the apartment clean, Musa wriggled her brows suggestively and I glared at her. And Lux started telling me ways to torture a person if they hurt me, Musa interrupting with better ways to keep the area blood free.

"If there is blood on the floor clean it with bleach." Lux said.

"You can see bleach with some chemical and blue light. Its best to try and not make him bleed." Musa replied looking at me.

I facepalm myself watching them bicker back and forth arguing which nerve causes a person to bleed out. No one could manage to tame either of my bloodthirsty siblings, I wondered what crime I committed to get not one but two baboons in my family.

Around 6, I called Rach to start getting ready and that we would shortly be at her place.

I quickly changed into my travelling outfit and packed a pair of clean bedsheets to cover the berths. It'll be cold day in hell before I agree to use the bedspreads and blankets the Railway provide. God knows what kind of people have used them or were they even cleaned before being given out for use again. I shudded thinking about the non-existent hygiene and the horrible diseases I could get.

I made a last attempt to try talking Alessia into borrowing me her floral shrug that would look awesome on me. She gave me blant look and bluntly said that I had already stolen half of her wardrobe and that she won't give me the shrug because it was her favourite.

I made sad puppy eyes I know won't effect her, but what's the harm in trying?

"I'll borrow you the shrug if you return me my grey sweater." she said

How dare she strike a deal like that. What was I supposed to choose?

"How about I borrow you the sweater and you borrow me the shrug?" I speak as I watch her arrange the cushions properly on the sofa. All kept in the same angle without a crease. Perfection is must.

She whirled around, her eyes narrowed "You are gonna borrow me a sweater that belongs to me and the one you shamelessly claimed?" she exclaimed.

"I did not claim it!"

"What do you call it when dad said he bought it for me and you snached it right out of my hands?" she questioned.


"Then give it back."

"But you never wore it-"

"Shut up you two. Some grownups you are fighting over a sweater." Lux says.

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