8th period English

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Erika when I tell you I hate algebra!

I know!!! Me too 🤦‍♀️- Erika

*feels a tap on her shoulder*

Brayden?!?!?? What do you want?

Here these are my Earth Science notes 🗒-Brayden

Why are you giving this to me???

You gave me your notes and you said you don't like earth science so I thought I would return the favor 😊-Brayden

Thank you 🤨

*In her head*
That was actually nice. Has he always been this nice and I'm just being rude to him 🤨

*Bell rings*

Hello class today we will be doing a quizziz and then I have an announcement to make! -Mrs. Greene

                                     2:15 pm

Ok kids shh 🤫 I have to make an announcement before we leave. - Mrs. Greene

We are going to have a field trip to 3 plays but they are on different days so the field trip is gonna be 4 days long. We are going to take a bus to Manhattan. Since we live in South Carolina the trip will be 11 hours and 6 minutes long. I will be giving out permission slips that you have to have filled out before Friday and preferably tomorrow. You will choose your partners when we are there because the seniors are coming with us. There is going to be 3 beds in each room so there is going to be you, your partner, and a senior. Everything else I will explain when we are there but thats it for now. The bus on Saturday comes at 8 am so come to school on time or you won't be able to come. - Mrs. Greene

Ooo we get to go to Manhattan without our parents for 4 days I'm excited 😝!!!!

Yea but I have a problem- Erika

What's wrong???

If we go I've had a crush on Ashton for the longest time as you know and do you think maybe I can be partners with him????? 😬 - Erika

Yea that's fine 😂 why do you look so scared like I'm gonna say no 😂 I'll just take Julian since he's quietest in the class 🤷‍♀️

Ok 😊 remember to ask your mom to sign the permission slip you don't have great memory!!!!- Erika
                             *Last bell rings*

            ——————- On bus ————————

*Brayden sits down next to Aryana locking her in between the window and him*

Hey 🤨?!?!??!!

Hey so I was thinking and I think we should have each other's number because we have the baby project and the trip and orchestra project....- Brayden

So I thought maybe it would be better you know to be able to be in contact- Brayden

*In her head*
He kinda seems nervous 😅
It's not a big deal I'll give him my number but 🤷‍♀️

Ok here it's **********

Ok good mine is-

Wait no don't say it out loud! People already know my number I've been getting prank calls for months so I wouldn't do that!

Oh ok so give me your phone I'll put it in. - Brayden


              *Aryana starts getting off the bus*
Bye Aryana see you Tomorrow - Brayden

Bye 🤨
( I'll try working on the next chapter later but it most likely is gonna come out tomorrow pls any criticism is appreciated!!!)

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