Questions!!!!!! So many questions

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*Aryana jumps at the sight of the room door opening and Luke startles awake*

*Luke squeezes Aryana accidentally when he wakes up*

Omg I'm so sorry I didn't realize- uh - umm - actually I think I'm gonna go.....-E

Wait Erika!


*Luke realized that he still has his arms wrapped around Aryana and sits up*

Wow!-E *Erika says while turning around*

What's wrong? Why wow?

Umm I'm not turning around until you guys cover up-E

What are you talking about?

*Aryana looks at Luke and realizes Luke isn't wearing anything but his boxers*

Oh- omg I'm so sorry Erika *Aryana through the blanket over Luke who is half asleep and walks toward erika*

*She taps on erikas shoulder* Erika come in.

*Erika turns around and comes inside the room while closing the door*

Omg Aryana!-E


I told you to cover up?!?!-L

What do you mean?

Umm- you're not wearing pants.....-E

Oh omg I'm so sorry!!!!

*Aryana runs to go get her pants that she left on the floor near her bed*

*Luke still half asleep gets up and walks into the bathroom*

*When Luke gets into the bathroom Erika bursts out laughing*

What's wrong why are you laughing?

Ummmmm— girl you better tell me everything that happened last night!!-E

What do you mean nothing happened?

You do know when I came in you were only wearing a shirt and your thong and he is only wearing his boxers.... and to add to that you guys were just wrapped around each other?!!!-E

We were watching a movie last night and I fell asleep nothing happened?!!!

Yea suuurrreee-E

Don't say it like that it's true!

Ok so then why didn't he go in the other bed and WHY WERENT YOU GUYS WEARING CLOTHES!!!!!-E

*As soon as she says that Luke walks out of the bathroom still only wearing boxers*

Yea Aryana you want to explain that?-L


What 😂-L

I- Your own sleep "buddy" just ratted you out!-L

Luke! Nothing happened last night! The last thing I remember is falling asleep during the movie?

Well you are right nothing happened but that's not the last thing that happened....-L


What do you mean?

You really don't remember that whole fit you had last night?-L

No? What fit?

Yea Luke plz explain??? 🤨-L

Well during the movie you fell asleep and started cuddling me so I asked you if you wanted to sleep in that bed... you said yes so I tried to go to the other bed but you got mad at me and told me to kay back down with you so you could go to sleep....-L


But... why are you guys naked then....-E



See I caught u guys 😂 -E

Fine! Truthfully?

Yes truthfully!-E

I don't like to sleep with my pants on....

Oh really???-E

Yep 😅

Oh ok I didn't know that you should've just said that in the first place!!-E


But what?

Why was he naked?-E

Erika you know you're being very nosy today?!!!

No it's fine Ary.... I don't usually sleep with clothes on I always sleep with just my boxers on..-L

Oh ok I guess—- anywaaaayyy-E

Why did you come in here in the first place??

Because it's third period already- you guys slept in and I wanted to make sure you guys were alright.-E

Aww so you do have a heart in there 🥺 😂

Yes-yes I do but it is very small so don't push your luck—- hurry up and sign on to your classes because I've been thinking of where we should go for lunch.-E

Ok sounds good 😊

Ok -L

* Erika leaves the room and Aryana turns around to looks at luke*

Are you ok? *Aryana asks Luke who seems upset*

Yea I'm fine but... - L

But what? What's wrong Luke?

Noth- nothing it's fine-L

Luke I know it's not nothing you can tell me!

Maybe later ok 🙂 -L *He forces a smile*

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