Only the start of the trip

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We're here!-Luke

Ok bye I'm leaving!-B

You guys go I'll just be a minute.

*Brayden slams the car door*

Look I'm sorry ok if I had known that me telling him when you texted me was gonna start a fight I wouldn't have said anything!-L

"It's fine it's not your fault. It's his, he is getting so uptight and upset over nothing. I didn't text him because he was being immature and controlling!" I said with my head down.

Listen it'll be alright. Ok. I'm sure he'll lighten up he just needs a minute.-Luke

Yea that's what I don't get... Why does he get to have a minute but when I did he gets mad???

I know it's not fair that he is mad about that but it is my fault because I gave you my number in the first place.-L

Trust me if I'm gonna blame anyone it's gonna be myself for even talking to him. 🙄 Let's go.

Ok come one.-L

Ugh of course there is only one seat left. 🤦‍♀️

And it has to be the seat right next to Luke's! God do you hate me today. Atleast Erika and Ashton are across from us.

*sits in seat*

Is it ok that I sit here or were you saving the seat?

It's ok but you think we can switch I don't like sitting on the inside. Do you mind sitting by the window?-L

No it's fine let me just....

I try to climb over Luke because he didn't get up and the seats are really tight together.

Ugh finally! I whispered/yelled when I finally got in the seat.

😂 hahahaha you should have just asked me to get up. You didn't have to do whatever that was.-Luke

Whatever it's too early for my brain to be working and we have an 11 hour ride ahead of us so I'm going to sleep.

Ok .-L

*Looks over to Brayden*

Who is that?

I don't know she's probably in your class.-Luke

Why is she all cuddled up on Brayden.

Aryana don't be worried he would never like someone like her over you!-L

Ok so you're telling me that if a girl who looks like her and is blonde hair blue eyes and skinny you wouldn't pick her over me???

*In his head*

I would pick you all the way but I can't tell you that! I wish you knew that I would pick you over anyone else.

Wow I'll take your silence as a no.

Hey listen I know Brayden is probably mad at me still but I just wanted to ask if-

*A senior who looks like the girl with Brayden walks up*

Hey Luke Im Julissa I saw you talking to this freak and wanted to save you. So do you want to sleep in my room my sister is over there sitting with your brother and she's
Gonna ask him to stay on the room with him and two freshman are gonna stay with them if he says yes so we are covered if you want to stay with me 🤷‍♀️ -Julissa

Ok. First of all she is not a freak second Brayden already has a girlfriend and it's the girl you just called a freak and I wouldn't want to be in the same state as you if it was up to me! Now she was in the middle of asking me something so please leave!-Luke

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