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Aryana/Y/N pov:

*I grab all my bags and bump into Luke*


It's ok -L

Listen you don't have to be the senior in the room anymore because Brayden isn't speaking to me right now and I'll probably just share a room with julian because he's the quiet kid.

No I want to still be your senior. -L

You sure?

Yea of course!-L

Ok then. But we still have to share a room with Julian because your brother is gonna stay with that girl.

That's ok and I'm sorry about my brother I didn't know he could be so blind.

What do you mean?

He doesn't see that....-Luke

*In his head*

He doesn't see that he has the most beautiful girl in the world and all he does is yell at her.

What doesn't he see?

He doesn't see that he shouldn't treat you like that.-Luke

Oh ok yea I know but that's him and I knew that before I agreed to date him.

Let's go to our room we still have an hour till we gotta go to dinner with the teachers.

Ok let's go.

*Asks Julian if he wants to be our partner in the trip and he says yes*

Ok Julian are you coming in the room to unpack now?

No I'm gonna hang out with some of my friends so you guys can go!-Julian

Ok see you at dinner.

See you!-Julian

Julian said he's gonna unpack after dinner. So we can go now.

Ok let's go.-L

*we get to the room*

No no no no no!!!!!!!!

What's wrong?-L

You don't see this?!?!

See what-L

There is only two beds....

So what?-L

That means either I gotta sleep on the floor or I have to share a bed with you or Julian.

If it's that bad of a thought for you to sleep with me then I'll sleep on the floor.-Luke

I'll sleep on the floor but think about what you just said.

*In his head*

Oh my God I just said for her to sleep with me I meant in the same bed God my thoughts always gotta slip out now she's gonna think I'm weird.

You're just dirty minded I meant sleep in the same bed as me 😂-Luke

😂 whatever and it's not that I wouldn't sleep in the same bed as you because all we'll be doing is sleeping but I just.... I have a problem sleeping in the same bed with someone because well let's just say something happened to me. 😔

Oh ok 🤷‍♂️-Luke

But I don't want you to sleep on the floor. I'm used to it 😂 I've spent the night with friends before so it won't be a big deal.-Luke

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