Chapter 8

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Nightmare's POV (Before Ink and the other started to perform)

Right now, I was walking along the board walk with Error and Killer to try and clear my head. Ever since Ink was taken back by Dream, I haven't been able to think straight, and it's been so quiet not having someone to talk with I did with Ink. Everyone in the gang soon stared to notice so Error and Killer suggested this small trip for the three of us since it has been a long time since the three of us just hung out together. The only caught to it was that I had to change back into my passives form so that way no one would recognize me, man I hated this form.

"Hey Nightmare, come on relax after all that is why where are here after all." Error said pulling me out from my thoughts. I looked over to my best friend and right-hand man and gave him a small smile.

"I know error you're right as always and I am trying to relax." I told him as Killer suddenly stopped causing us to stop and turn around to see what was wrong.

"Hey Killer, you ok there bud?" Error asked walking close to our friend.

"No, I'm fine I just heard some music is all." Killer said as he started to stare at the direction that the soft sound of music was coming from. I do have to admit that it did sound interesting and it wouldn't hurt to go and check it out.

"Well come on then you two let's go and check it out." I said to my friends as I started to walk off in the direction of the music.

I looked back to see the two of them shocked, but they quickly ran too caught up with me. I give off a small chuckle as I continue our walk. As we started to get closer the music got louder and soon, we could here three voices singing along to the music and they sounded beautiful. We desisted to stay in the back and watch them perform as to not cause any attention to our self's. The three on stage continued their song, their voices matching perfectly with each note and their dancing perfectly in time with the rhythm of the music, but all changed when we got good looks at their faces.

It was none other then three of the Starts, but they weren't any Stars. No, this was Dream's top men Outer and Blue, but not only that Ink was there with them. My face blushed a dark purple as I started to watch the Stars closer, and for the first time I saw a real smile spread across Ink's face. I looked over at my two friends to see that they both were watching just as close as I was. I turned my attention back to the stage and never once taking my eyes off of the shy Star.

After the song finished the three of them posed and everyone including my friends and I stud up clapping and cheering. I was looking in I k's direction and noticed that the two of us made eye contact for a split second, right before he ran off the stage with the other two. I looked over at the other two to just them looking shocked, but at the same time happy.

"Wow who the hell knew that the Stars actually had some talent." Error said as a small blush started to creep up onto his face.

"Oh, and what's with those faces you two did you see something that you liked up there?" Killer asked the two of us with a shit eating grin, as Error and I both quickly tried to calm down our blushes.

"Shut the hell up Killer." I snapped at him as I noticed as small amount of blush on his face as well, causing me to smirk.

"And what's with your blush there Kills did you see something you liked?" I questioned him with a small smirk on my face only causing his red blush to darken.

"No, shut up." Killer snapped right back at me causing Error ton start and laugh at the poor flustered skeleton.

"Oh, shut the hell up Error I saw you eyeballing Blue the whole time while he was up there." Killer snapped causing Error's face to be covered in a bright yellow blush.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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