Chapter 5

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Ink's POV

I have been stuck in this room for a few days now, but it hasn't been completely unbearable. Nightmare comes to check on me on me every few hours. To be honest I was scared to death at first, but surprisingly he didn't hurt me like he said. I have actually learned a little more about Nightmare from our small talks that we have had. I mean yes he is still ass for kidnapping me and keeping me here, but at the same time he's not exactly like what Dream has told us over the years. I was brought out of my thoughts when I hear the door to my room open up and standing in the door way was Nightmare.

"Hey Ink." Nightmare said was he closed the door and walked over to me.

"Hi again Nightmare." I say with a small smile on my face at the thoughts that of not being alone anymore come to mind.

Nightmare returns the smile as he walks over to me and sits down next to me. I can tell that he has something on his mind, but I don't know is I should ask or not after all he is still my enemy. Nightmare lets out a sigh as he pulls out a cigarette and as he starts to light it my instincts kick in. I quickly grab the cigarette and throw it across the room. It's in that moment that I realize what I did and I start to feel scared of what he is going to do to me. I look over to see that he looks pissed and confused.

"Ink what the hell was that?" Nightmare asked me still looking confused.

"I-i-i-I'm s-s-s-sorry." I stutter out as I hold my hands up in defense that I would get hit by the leader of the Moons.

"that does not answer my question." Nightmare says in a frustrated tone.

"Sorry it's just that I-i-I can't stand w-w-when others smoke n-n-near me." I stutter out once more as I lower my hands.

"But Dream smokes." Nightmare states as he raises an eyebrow.

"He does, but he knows to not smoke around me. Well unless he is trying to make me smoke with him." I say in a kind of sad tone.

"Hold does he try to force you to smoke some times?" Nightmare asks me in a shocked tone.

"He does some time, but not often." I tell him with a sad smile.

"Don't worry I won't smoke around you if you don't want me to." Nightmare says as he puts his lighter and pack of cigarettes away. I let out a sigh of relief since I did not want to have a coughing fit today, but then I think of something.

"Nightmare what are you asking Dream for, for me?" I ask kind of curios of what the gang leader could want.

"I'm asking for him to leave my family alone and for $100,000." Nightmare says calmly. I was shocked at both requests.

"But you are his family-" I say before I get cut off by him

"No, Dream has not my family, he has not been since we were kids. Not after all of the crap he has put me through all of the years. My family id my gang we are the closes thing to a family that some of have had in years." I nod my head understanding what he means after all that's what my friends back with Dream are.

"I understand that that, my friends are the closes thing to family I have, but that is for another time." I say as Nightmare nods his head.

"Why did you ask for so much money?" I ask him and he looks down at his feet in disappointed.

"We need the money. Sure we can get the money our self's, but it takes too long and we need it need some of it right away." Nightmare tells me and I can't help, but get confused.

"Why do you need it fast and why so much?" I ask him.

"Well we need to buy a large amount of food because of Horror has an eating disorder and low metabolism, we need to pay for Error's medicine that helps to keep his glitching under control, we also need to pay for Killer's depression meds and a few other medical issues that he has, plus a few other small things to help us live and keep each other safe." Nightmare says with a sigh as he buries his face in his hands.

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