Chapter 4

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Dream's POV

"Where the hell could Ink be, it's already way past dark." I said to myself as I was pacing back and forth in the main area. I couldn't get my mind off of the fact that he could be hurt or worst.

"Dream clam down I'm sure that he is fine and just lost track of time again." Classic one of my good friends in the gang told me as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"How can you be so sure about that Classic? Sure he has been late before, but never this fucking late." I say as I start to feel tears in my eyes.

Classic pulls my into a tight hug as my tears start to fall from my eyes. I could tell that I was socking his shirt, but I don't think that he cares. I was grateful for Classic, he always knew what to do to make me feel better. Even when we both were little kids he knew how to make me feel better after a fight with Nightmare. Soon my small cries fully stop and I finally relax after hours of pacing and warring.

"See now that's better." Classic says as he pulls away from the hug and gives me his famous lazy smile that I can't help, but return.

"DREAM YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS!" Sic yells as he starts to run over to the two of us with a letter in his hand.

I take the letter and start to read over the letter that Sic had. My smile drops and I feel myself start to feel with anger. It was a letter from Nightmare.

Dear Dream,

You may be wondering where that little friend of yours is. Well I have some news for you "brother". Ink is currently in my position and if you want him back in one piece and not beaten worst then he already is then you will meet me at the old apartment with $100,000 and an understanding that you will never and I mean ever hurt someone from my family again. I want this meet before the end of the month and if I were you Dream I would hurry. After all this little guy is awful cute and I can see why you like him so much. That's right I know about your little relation with this small Star thanks to my sources. Meet my demands Dream the clock is ticking and I would hate to see this little guy hurt too badly.


I looked over the letter again and again; I could feel my rage building up more and more. I was ready to kill Nightmare for taking my baby boy away from me. I would rip off each one of his ugly tentacles if he even dare hurt Ink.

"Dream what does it say?" Blue asked me bring me out of my thoughts.

I read the letter out loud to the rest of my gang before looking up to see them just as angry and upset as I was. I looked over to see Blue being comforted by outer as tears fell form Blue's eyes and tears threatened to fall from Outer's eyes. I knew that though two cared for Ink just as much as I did since the 3 of them have been good friends since they were all little kids. I crumpled up the note and walked over to the two skeletons and pulled them both into a huge.

"Don't worry guys we will get Ink back I just know it." I said trying to cheer them up.

"But Dream." Geno said getting my attention.

"What is it Geno?" I asked wanting to know why he sounded concerned.

"What are we going to do about the money? I mean it's not like we just have that amount of money laying around here to just give away." Geno said. I let out a sigh as I let go of my two gang members and standing up.

"Don't worry Geno we can come up with the money somehow. After all we knew several ways to get what we want." I said as the rest of the team started to look hopeful once again.

"Don't worry Ink we will get you back I promise." I said to myself as I walked away to start worrying on the plan to get my baby boy back to his family.

Ink's POV

My eyes started to flutter open after being knocked out by one of the Moons. My vison was blurry as I tried to look around the room that I was in. I blinked a few time to try and clear my vison and after a few time it worked. I looked around the room that I was, it was a small room with no windows, a small bed, and one door. I tried to move to get to the door only to realize that I was tied to a chair. I started to struggle in the ropes to try and break free, only to have the chair tip over and land on its side.

"HEY LET ME OUT OF HERE! YOU CAN'T KEEP ME IN HERE LIKE THIS!" I yell out only to have someone on the other side of the door start to bang on it hard.

"Shut the hell up in there." A glitchy voice said as the banging stopped.

I let out a huff as I start to try and get out of the ropes once again. I could feel the ropes starting to rub and cut into my bones, but I did not care I just had to get the hell out of here.

Time skip a few hours

It's been a few hours now and I have given up on trying to get out of the ropes since I am out of energy and my arms are covered in my own blood from the ropes cutting into my bones. I can feel tears forming in my eyes at the thought that I will never get to see my Dream, Blue, Outer, or the rest of my family again. They are the closes thing that I have left to a family after my aunt and uncle died. I finally just let my tears fall from my eyes as I could just no longer keep them in as the memories from my past and the memories that I share with my gang fold my mind. I was only brought out of my thoughts when I heard the door to my room being opened.

"How the hell did you manage to do that?" A dark and low voice asked me.

My attention snapped up to see a skeleton covered in a black tar substance, his one cyan eye looking directly at me and both of my eyes turn into exclamation marks and shrink. I quickly recognize the skeleton as Dream's twin brother Nightmare. I start to struggle in my ropes more as the other starts to walk closer to me. Nightmare smirks as he lifts my head up and forces me to look him in the eye. I start to shake violently at his touch.

"I like that you're scared." Nightmare says as he let's go of my head and stands up and sits the chair up straight.

"Don't worry Ink I'm not going to hurt you as long as you don't give me any problems." Nightmare says as he pats my cheek.

"W-w-w-what do y-y-y-you want with m-m-me?" I stutter out and Nightmare chuckles at my response.

"I'm just using you to get what I want from Dream. So as long as you play nice you won't get hurt." Nightmare says as he starts to untie me from the ropes.

"Try to run and I will have my guys hunt you down and beat you until you are a bloody mess." Nightmare says as all of the ropes fall off of me.

"W-w-why did you untie m-m-me?" I ask as he picks up the rope.

"Because clearly you can hurt yourself in these." Nightmare says as he starts to walk out of the room.

"Why does that matter?" I ask stopping him in his tracks.

"Because if you get to hurt then I won't get what I want." Nightmare says as he leaves the room and me by myself.

After a few minutes I run over to the door to see if I can get out. I grab the handle and start to twist it only to find that it is locked. I let out a sigh as I walk over to the bed and sit down. I look at the door and start to think about what Nightmare could have planned for me. There is almost no end to what he could do to my at this point. I feel new tears make their way to my eyes. I let them fall as I lie down on the bed and hope that Dream and the others come soon or give Nightmare what he wants. My small cries turn into heavy sobs as I cry myself to sleep.


Hey guys here you go another chapter, I hope that you guys like it, I know that I had fun writing it. Also next chapter will be out soon and we get to learn a little more about Nightmare's personality and before anyone asks or expects to see it no I am not going to tell you guys how Dream and them got the money. Us your imaginations after all they are a gang so you can kind of suspect what they do. Anyways that is all for now and I will see you guys in the next chapter.

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