🖤•~• Chapter 1 •~•🖤

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Hello! I am going to be writing a little before each chapter, just to do a quick rundown of what'll happen. So for this chapter, Sapnap and Karl are just going to be hanging out at the park, when Karl leaves to go to the bathroom but doesn't come back. (As I explained in the bio, which idk if u read, but I am making Sapnap a few inches taller than Karl and only a year younger for my own reasons:
Sapnap: 6'2, 21 years
Karl: 5'11, 22 years)

Struggling (?)
Mild Cursing
(Before and after the major triggers, I'll put one of these:⚠️)


Sapnap POV

"Catch me if you can!" Sapnap laughed as he, yet again, stopped and turned, juking his boyfriend.

"That's not fair! The point of tag is to have fun, not break the other person's bones!" Karl whined, still chasing him, a large smile on his face.

"Looks like we have two different ideas of 'tag'. Sapnap said, trying to maneuver around the smaller boy again.

This time Karl was ready, diving on his victim before he could run by. Sapnap let out a startled Yelp, not expecting the sudden weight, and fell backwards into the sand. He stared up at Karl, who was now sitting on top of him. They stayed like that for a moment before bursting into giggles, eventually laughing till their stomachs hurt.

"Are you ready to go home yet?" Sapnap asked, looking at Karl, who stretched his arms out as he yawned.

"Yeah, let me just go to the bathroom first. I'm not gonna be this happy if I end up pissing myself in the way back." Sapnap laughed into his hand, which was then reached down to help the older boy stand.

Sapnap watched him leave as he went and sat on a park bench to wait, pulling out his phone and scrolling through Twitter.

Karl POV

Karl walked over to the sink, turning the knob for water as he put his other hand under the electronic soap dispenser.

Washing his hands, he recalled the scene which happened a few moments ago. 'God, I love that boy.'

Looking in the mirror, beginning to adjust his brunette hair, he yelped, catching a glimpse of the dark figure which had stepped into the bathroom behind him.

He felt hands snake around his waist, a small feeling of relief washing over him as he realized it was just Sapnap. Yet something still felt wrong.

⚠️(Here is the Kidnapping, struggling, and some blood)⚠️
Suddenly "Sapnap's" hands grabbed his wrists, jerking them upwards. Karl gasped, slightly in pain but more in shock, when he noticed another hand creeping up to his wrists, in its grip a thin rope.

He also noticed that the person behind him was not Sapnap, but in fact a stranger, a black ski mask over their head so you couldn't see their face.

"O-ow." Karl muttered as the stranger tightly knitted the rope around one of his wrists, the thin material brushing uncomfortably against his skin. The stranger tied the remaining rope around his other wrist, bing his hand together.

The stranger then grabbed a piece of cloth, tying it like a gag around the brunette. Karl tried yelling through it, only managing to get a few words of help out.

The person, obviously not liking the fact that he wasn't complying (Sorry, just as I was reading this over, in my head I was like: 'Who would follow a stranger's rules while they are trying to kidnap them?), turned Karl around to face him, punching him straight in the face.

Karl stumbled backwards, falling over against the sink as his nose started to bleed. He tried to reach his hands up for a paper towel, only to be punched again by the guy in the same place.

Karl groaned, the edges of his vision starting to fade into black. He didn't want to pass out, though. He wanted to break through these binds and punch the guy back, or run to Sapnap for protection.

Another centered punch to the face stopped his train of thought, his vision completely blacking out. The last thing he remembered as he was blacking out was the 'shhhh' of water from the sink, calming him.

⚠️(Kidnapping and struggling part is over)⚠️

Sapnap POV

It had been almost 15 minutes, and Karl still hadn't gotten back from the bathrooms. Sapnap began to grow worried.

He scrolled through Twitter for a few more minutes until the worrying took its toll, forcing him to put his phone into his back pocket and get up, his feet moving him in the direction of the bathroom.

The first thing he noticed, besides the fact nobody was in the room, was that the water was still running. He walked over, turning it off. The knob was freezing cold to the touch.

The next thing he noticed was the state of the bathroom. There were a few scrunched paper towels scattered on the floor, as if someone was trying to grab them but dropped them.

⚠️(Mentions of blood and kidnapping)⚠️
The last thing he noticed was the blood. On the floor by the running sink was a small pool of blood, which trailed out the door of the bathroom.

Sapnap put the pieces together, immediately realizing what had happened. While he was scrolling through the harmless fan art of him and his friends, his boyfriend had been stuck in here being beat and taken away from him.
⚠️(T/W ending)⚠️

Sapnap went to his emergency contacts, clicking on Karl's name with slight hope.

All that hope drained when he heard the 'Sweater Weather' ringtone from behind him, on the bathroom floor.

Nick picked up the phone, noticing a few cracks. When he had seen it a while ago, there had been none, meaning it had fallen out of Karl's pocket.

That also meant the Karl wasn't paying attention like normal, which meant that he was either unconscious, or in some state that didn't allow him to move, such as being tied up.

Sapnap clutched the phone in his hands, holding them up to his chest. He dropped to his knees and looked up at the sky, not caring who saw him breakdown. It was to difficult to hold back the tears he choked on as he screamed into the clouds above his head:



Yay!!! That was fun. And sad. And a lot of other things. When I was writing the title and description about 2 hours ago, I had so many ideas about how to start this. Then I noticed I had 7 assignments due tomorrow that I hadn't yet started on. Then I found out that Google Classroom was having a seizure, and all my classes had deleted. Then I got mad because I still had 7 assignments to do and the website they were all on was... not working. Then after about 30 minutes to 1 hour of simply playing Your New Boyfriend by Wilbur Soot on guitar to calm myself, I remembered I had a Wattpad book to write!!

Actually, make that two.
Lol, it's 11pm. What am I doing.
God zero period is gonna suck tomorrow.
Stay safe and healthy!! Luv U!!
(1211 words)

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