🖤~ Chapter 8 ~🖤

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A/N: umm so I may not post in a bit. I may, may not. Idk. My brain tends to do these random things and just shuts down so that really sucks. My grades are starting to slip and life is taking another toll on me. The other day during math class my teacher asked me for the answer, and I had all of the work done and everything on paper, but I just shut down and forgot how to read. That may sound stupid and like 'well reading is letters' but no, I just couldn't find out how to say 147 in words. So that sucked. He at least waited a minute for me to snap back and say the answer. So it wasn't as embarrassing as some other things that have happened during class. Okay well enough about me rambling. This is either going to be published on a Thursday or Friday. May 11 or 12. If not, then idk. But onto the story.

Talk of heaven/hell
Mentions of being unconscious
Mentions of fire
The machine that beeps and has tubes connected to you in the hospital bed thingy
Mentions of casts and broken bones
Anything I missed please comment?
3rd person POV
The two boys lay sprawled and unconscious in the slowly-burning grass. Neighbors about a mile or two away had heard the explosion, seen the fire rising, and called the fire department. When the red-suited men and women and people got there, they were surprised to see two boys lying only a few ten (like 20 or 30, I think?) away from the fire-starter. They called the hospital, two ambulances coming to pick up the boys not even 5 minutes later.

Sapnap POV
There was a beeping noise that more louder and annoying each second more I began to wake. (I will be right back, I have homework) (lol homework took 2 hours but I'm back) Everything was a really bright white. I looked around, trying to pick out anything; chairs, desks, beds, windows, but no. Everything was white.

I panicked. 'Am I going to heaven? Oh god, no, I'm too young for this crap. Wait, what if this is, like, the gateway to hell? Am I going to be sent to hell at 21?! What are my friends going to think? What would Karl-' I immediately snapped out of thought, trying to sit up on the floor.

I noticed that several tubes were hooked up to my body; arms, legs, torso, practically everywhere. They were all connected to a machine, which was where the beeping was coming from. Looking around the now-clear room, I noticed I was at the hospital. There were several chairs lined against the wall, and two or three surrounding my bed.

I wasn't happy though. No, I wasn't in heaven or hell. George and Dream wouldn't think bad of me for going to hell while 21, and I would die younger than I had thought. (I actually have an age that I am willing to die at. That sounds weird. It's 42+, if anyone cared) But I still wasn't happy. I didn't see Karl anywhere.

As I was watching some people pass by outside the window of the door straight ahead, somebody suddenly opened in, walking into the room with a clipboard. She looked a bit startled to see me awake, but that didn't stop her in grabbing her pen and writing down a few notes. "Hi! Sapnap, right?" I nod. (A lot of people would normally have just put Nick there, because it is Sapnap's real name, but I don't like shipping irl people. Of course, Sapnap is still considered Nick and Nick Sapnap, just that Sapnap is a Minecraft character while Nick walks around in real life. And Karl's Minecraft name is literally his name, so I just don't change it. I don't ship irl people though, only their Minecraft personas. That also means that Nick looks like Sapnap in Minecraft, and Karl looks like Karl in Minecraft. So yeah. That may just be more confusing, but it makes sense in my mind.)

"My name is Doctor Z. I'll be doing a quick check-up on you to see if your ready to leave any time soon." She checks me all over. As she lifts up the blanket, I only just realize that my right leg and arm are wrapped in casts. I stare at it, confused, and she seems to notice. "The blast? It must have blown you and the other boy a few feet, and you just happened to land on this side to the ground, breaking only three bones. It's not horrible, but will take about a year to fix."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2021 ⏰

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