🖤~ Chapter 5 ~🖤

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A/N: hello. I'm gonna try to get back into writing a little bit and continue this and my other book (which if you haven't already seen, you should go read it). I am thinking of starting a new book, which I'd had planned since before I started Wattpad, so I may do it in little bits. I'll try and get another chapter in tomorrow if I can. Anyway:

Shock Collar (if u couldn't already tell)
Mild Cursing
Blood (descriptive)

Summary at the end

3rd person - Karl (before Liam clicked the button)
Karl stared at the new guy in the room. His hair was covered by a baseball cap, as well as his face by a ski mask. He was wearing a tight-fitting tee-shirt, and black slightly-baggy jeans. Karl didn't recognize him.

The stranger held a phone, the camera facing Karl, though not on. Or, he didn't know if it was on or not, Karl just hoped it wasn't. He wasn't looking that presentable at the moment, and wasn't planning on looking it in the near future:

His clothes were all ripped up, blood spattered all over them; his hair was stained with blood, looking as if he'd died his hair red. His face was more purple, black, and blue rather than it's normal whiteish-tan color. His forearms were loitered with purple splotches, thin red lines spread across them. His legs weren't too bad, just that he couldn't stand with them. They were numb, and Karl was pretty sure one of them was broken, considering the pain radiating from it each time he tried to move it.

Karl stared into the camera of the phone. He could sense the strangers eyes on him. They sat like that for a few minutes until the second phone on the table buzzed, making Karl jump. He hissed in pain at his leg as the stranger reached over, checking what the message read.

Karl shrunk back towards the corner of the room, staying off his leg as best he could. The stranger snickered, and Karl heard the small noise of the recording start. At first, the guy just stood there, the camera pointed at the boy tied in the corner of the room.

Karl was confused as to what was happening. Was the stranger just supposed to film him in the corner? What were they filming for? Karl got the answer as soon as the collar around his neck beeped, to which his eyes opened wide. Before he could do anything, the collar sent a few large electric signals down his spine, shocking him painfully. He tensed up immediately, letting out a loud cry.

Not even a few seconds later, the process repeated; after a few more shocks racked his body Karl started shaking uncontrollably. The guy stood recording him, acting as if nothing was wrong. Karl eyes filled with tears which he tried to hold back, but when the next shock came he couldn't help it.

Only about 8 shocks after the collar started, the edges around Karl's vision started to darken. He was shaking violently, flinching even when the shocks stopped for the seconds in between each pulse. He finally blacked out after the next 2.

3rd person - Sapnap
The masked guy had ran away, leaving Punz and Sapnap to search for the remote alone. They searched around in the bushes, not seeing anything. His phone was still going off, Karl's yells and screams dying down. He stared at the scream, seeing the poor boy go limp, his body still taking the shocks.

Punz was staring at his phone as well, a new sadness sparkling in his eyes as he looked up at Sapnap. Sapnap threw his phone, digging around in the bushes, not listen to a word Punz was trying to say to him.

It had been only three minutes, and Sapnap was starting to lose hope. How could anyone go almost 4 freaking minutes with a shock collar around their neck? Suddenly he heard Punz shout: "I FOUND IT!"

Sapnap ran over, grabbing the remote and staring at it. The stranger had put it on 8/10. Sapnap quickly switched it to zero, glancing at the phone Punz had pulled out of his pocket.

The video showed Karl, who had stopped moving, aside from the unintentional shaking. He was unconscious, his chest shallowly rising and falling. If they had found it only about 30 seconds later he probably would have been gone.

Sapnap sighed in relief, not noticing how tired he was until he felt his knees buckle, falling backwards. Punz grabbed him before he hit the ground. "Shit, dude, are you okay?"

"What do you think?" Punz shook his head. "Yeah, never mind." Sapnap, with the help of his friend, balanced himself enough to walk over and grab his phone. There was a large crack running from top to bottom on the far left side, but it still worked.

The live video had ended, and was now just sitting on the message, ready for anyone in the chat to watch. Sapnap deleted the message, as did Punz. Neither of them needed to rewatch it.

"He would have died, you know, if you weren't here." Punz stared at Sapnap, slightly confused. "You would have found the-" Sapnap shook his head. "If it were just me, I would have freaked out way more. Wouldn't have been able to pull myself together enough to even remember which direction that guy threw the remote. So thank you."

Punz stared at him like he was crazy, then resorted to a face which showed pure sympathy. "Your welcome." He went and sat beside Sapnap, who was staring into the water again. They sat for sometime before Punz had to go. They promised to meet each other there every day, same time.

Sapnap unlocked the front door of his and Karl's house, looking around. He hadn't touched anything besides the fridge and the cabinets, but even that was pretty rare. Everything was still placed in the same position it had been in since that day.

Sapnap walked into the kitchen, looking at the empty box of cereal on the table from that morning, along with the half eaten bowl in which the former contents of the box were sitting in. He grabbed the bowl, dumping it out in the sink.

He grabbed some food from the fridge, heating it up in the microwave. It beeped loudly once, Sapnap turning it off and grabbing the food from inside. He grabbed a fork from the drawer and headed into his and Karl's bedroom. Sapnap sat down in his boyfriends gaming chair, setting his food on the desk.

He looked around the room a bit at the mess; blankets were strewn around randomly along with the pillows that were all supposed to be on their bed, some clothes were loitered across the floor along with a towel. Sapnap just stared at everything before eventually going back to his food.

He wasn't as happy as before. He wasn't in any mood to do anything, like clean up or properly take care of himself. He wasn't planning on doing either, anyway. His happiness wasn't there, and that made him sad. But the one thing that kept him going was knowing that his happiness wasn't dead. Karl may have been a bit broken, and that would probably never change, but he would always be Sapnap's happiness, as well as Sapnap would always be his. And that was what kept both of them going.
Punz found the shock collar button and they stopped it, though after Karl had already passed out. Sapnap and Punz got a little closer, promising to meet every day at the pond. Sapnap came home to his house, grabbing some food and looking around. He remembered his happiness.

I don't know how to explain anything. Read the last few paragraph and you'll get what I mean by the last sentence. Umm, yeah. I don't really know what else to say. So... I Wuv U guys! Stay Safe and Healthy! Buy Bye! (1353 words)

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