~Chapter 3~

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In this chapter I will be lightly talking about sex, drugs, nudes, and flirting with old men so if any of that makes you uncomfortable you might want to skip this chapter!!

I unplug my phone from the charger and swing my legs over the side of my bed. Getting up was the worst part of my day. My sleep schedule isn't the best, I'm normally awake till 4 in the morning and then sleep till 1 in the afternoon. The only time I get woken up is if Hermione and the boys want to do something, so then they will call me. We established this system back in third year when everyone first started getting phones.

Every weekend we would make sure to keep our ringers on before we went to bed, it was either that or we had FaceTime sleepovers. We would all fall asleep on the call one by one. Normally Ron and I were the last people awake, knowing that both of us were night owls. Hermione would normally pass out first, then Harry would eventually go next. Our 3 a.m. conversations ranged from whether or not we should try out for the quidditch team, all the way to who would be killed first in the hunger games (we collectively agreed on Ron, he was not happy).

Of course some topics came up referring to sex, drugs, nudes, etc. But for the most part we would just laugh them off. We've all done some weird shit before, it was nothing out of the ordinary. One night, it was around 1 in the morning. I was watching criminal minds in my room when the familiar names Orphan, and Carrot Head pop up.

"Y/n what are you watching," Ron questions.

"It's just criminal minds, this episode is actually really good it's-"

"Spencer Reid is hot," Harry exclaims, interrupting me. We both crush on the very attractive FBI agent from the show criminal minds on a daily basis.

"Amen to that," I say smiling. I love having other bisexual friends. Harry came out in the middle of 4th year. I could see the bisexual anger seeping out of him as he watched Cho Chang and Cedric Diggory dance together at the Yule ball. Both of those people were gorgeous, Cedric's face looks like it was carved by the hands of God, and Cho's beauty radiated throughout the room. Not to mention her dress, all eyes were on her as she waltzed throughout the room.

"Okay we get it Spencer Reid is hot blah blah blah," Ron rolls his eyes and smirks.

"Don't you EVER deny the beauty of Spencer Reid Ronald, I think you're just jealous that you're not as sexy and steamy as him," I say fanning myself with my hand as I swoon and laugh. Ron being spiteful of Spencer Reid is one of the funniest things in the world.

"Yeah Ronald Weasley you can't deny it," Harry says, also smiling and trying to keep in a laugh.

"Well I can deny it, and I am denying it," Ron smirks again.

"It would be such a shame Ron if I told y/n about what happened last night... don't you think?" You could see Ron's eyes visibly widen as Harry spoke. "This could've all been avoided if you just admitted Reid is hot but... I guess I'm just gonna have to let the secret slip out," Harry's was smiling, trying so hard to laugh.

"Harry I swear to god if you-"

"Ron sold feet pics to a random man online for 5 dollars yesterday."

Everyone went completely silent. My eyes flickered from Ron's extremely red face to Harry's closed mouth smile that kept twitching at the sides trying not to let a laugh slip out. Within seconds everyone bursts into a fit of laughter.


"Wow Ron is really living the sugar baby life we all wish we had," I say barely making out my words because I'm laughing so hard.

The amount of times we have done stupid things like that is insane. We even got Omegle.com banned on the Hogwarts school computers because we all started flirting  with random old men we found. Some people say we are spontaneous and funny, yet some people think we are just downright stupid. I personally think we are a little bit of both.

Even though I do love to reminisce about our lovely nighttime conversations, I also have to focus on things that will be happening today: the mall. I know my parents wouldn't mind apparating me there, so I knew I could go. I sent a quick text to the group chat "Dumbledore is hot" to let Harry, Ron, and Hermione know I was available.

Knowing we wouldn't be leaving for a few hours, I pick up my TV remote and click the power button. Swiping over to Netflix I put criminal minds back on. Harry and I are always going to be right, Spencer Reid IS attractive. We love to annoy Ron with our boy obsessions, yet we also all bond over the girl obsessions. It's so cute to hear Ron and Harry talk about what they see in people. They are both insanely awkward don't get me wrong, but when they talk about things they are passionate about it's like they get put in a trance. Ron's eyes will fall to the floor as he describes his dream partner. Ron hasn't put a label on his sexuality, he has only really had his eyes on girls. He has stated before that he thinks non-binary people are cool, and he never said he would only exclusively date girls. Plus we cant forget the way he looks at Victor Krum...

I honestly get jealous sometimes. If only he would look at me that way.

~𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕖~ ℝ𝕠𝕟 𝕎𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕝𝕖𝕪 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now