~Chapter 12~

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"Y/n what bikini are you wearing?" Hermione dumped her bag of stuff all over Ron's bedroom floor, and started shuffling the items around. "I brought this dark green one, it's like, sage color," Hermione found what she was looking for, it was a dark green strapless bikini with matching bottoms. 

"Oh my god I love that," I admire the color as she turns around to get changed, and I look down at the floor out of respect. Even though we were best friends, we both had an attraction to women, and didn't want to make the other person uncomfortable. I grabbed my own bikini, a hot pink top with high-waisted black bottoms, and turned around to start getting changed. I'm not nearly as skinny as Hermione is, so standing next to her in a bikini wasn't always my favorite experience. I don't have the worst relationship with my body, the only reason I look down on myself is because I'm constantly comparing myself to everyone else. I know that no one at the burrow would ever judge me, but I can't help but judge myself.

"Are you guys done yet?" Harry impatiently knocked on the door.

"Harry we've been in here for 2 minutes, let us live, jesus," Hermione annoyingly answered, finishing putting her bathing suit on. 

Harry and Hermione had arrived at around 4:45 in the morning, completely exhausted and annoyed with each other. As soon as they had stepped through the window they were bickering about pointless things. Most of us had barely slept the night before, so we were all going to be annoyed by everything and everyone from the lack of rest. Hermione and I shared Ron's bed, while Harry and Ron slept in Charlie's room. At about 10 a.m. Hermione and I were woken up by Fred and George barging in the room, expecting it to be me and Ron. 

"Oh, so it's the lesbians now," Fred laughed as he poked the side of Hermione's face, Hermione just rolling over in response. 

"Don't you guys have something to do?" Hermione snapped as Fred continued poking her, smiling as he did so.

"Oh my god, can't you guys get a room?" George fake gagged at Fred and Hermione. I looked between the two boys, George proudly smiling and Fred obviously embarrassed by his brothers words. Fred pulled back his hands and put them awkwardly in his pockets as he stood up, giving a glare to his brother. 

"Uh, fine, we'll leave now," Fred attempted to cover his embarrassment with his sassy tone of voice. His "fuck boy" manor had completely left his body as he awkwardly shuffled out of the room, leaving George still standing there. 

"Hermione," George walked over and squatted down next to Hermione's side of the bed, whispering something in her ear. 

"Fuck off," Hermione lightly smacked him in the head, blushing and turning over once more. George giggled and ran out of the room, not caring to close the door behind him. 

"What'd he say?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Nothing, he's just annoying," Hermione sighed and shoved her face into the bed. It didn't take long for the twins to also find Harry and Ron in Charlie's bed, and in no time everyone in the house was awake. Surprisingly, Molly didn't question our "watching the sunrise" story, and was just happy we were there. 

"I got that new pool for a reason," Molly said as she kissed each of us on the cheek.

"Why are you guys taking so long," Harry banged on Ron's door again, as I was finishing putting on my bathing suit. 

"Fine, you guys can come in now," I said as I motioned for Hermione to unlock the door. The boys had been getting dressed in Charlie's room, so they both walked in with swim trunks on. 

"Are you wearing... matching swim suits?" Hermione laughed as she looked between the red swim shorts they both had on. 

"Molly got them for us last year," Harry replied. "What? Are you not a fan of the obvious swag that's going on here?" Harry laughed as he did a spin, showing off his body. I laughed along with Harry as he continued to flex his muscles on his perfectly toned body.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2021 ⏰

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