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Akira: (5 years old but since she's boruto and saradas kids she is very talented) (she's running through the village) I'm starting to get tired maybe I should go back to mom (noticed something) (turns the corner) is that dad (sees boruto talking to a lady) (goes to a store clerk) do you know what their doing
Clerk: I don't know but he's here every Thursday around 6
Akira: hmmm (watches as boruto goes into the building with the woman) maybe I should go home
Akira stay out a little bit longer then goes back home
Sarada: hey sweetie where did you go
Akira: mom I have a question I saw dad going into a building with a woman do you know why?
Sarada: what?? (In mind- WHAATTT!!!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬😡😡) he said he was at work helping in the hokage office. He better not be doing something dumb
Akira: (starts tearing) is daddy leaving us does he still love you mommy (cries) (grabs onto her)
Sarada: Akira I'm sure it's nothing don't worry about us we love you with all our heart
Akira: I just want us to stay a family
Sarada: we will always be a family now go to bed it's almost 9 (kisses her forehead)
Akira: (runs up stairs and gets ready and then goes to bed)
Twenty minutes later
Boruto: I'm hom...
Sarada: (sitting while crying 😭😭😭) (sniff)
Boruto: baby what's wrong
Sarada: (turns to him) are you cheating on me.....
Boruto: no Sarada of course not why are you so upset who told you this
Sarada: our daughter came back from the village and saw you with a woman at the same time you told me you were with the hokage (cry's) why boruto why would you do this 😭😭😭😭
Boruto: honey let me explain
Sarada: NO!! If you cheated on me or don't love me anymore than just leave! I don't want to hold you back anymore
Boruto: Stop it Sarada!!!! Listen to me!
Sarada: (wipes her eyes and listens) go ahead
Boruto: (sits infront of her) (reaches out and grabs her hand) I never cheated on you with that woman. She is my therapist
Sarada: therapist..... for what ?
Boruto: I'd rather not say
Sarada: Grrrrrr😡🤬😡😡
Boruto: ok well I have been having recurring nightmares
Sarada: (goes form angry to concerned) what about???
Boruto: they have all been the same. Every time I see destruction and blood around me and no matter how fast I run it's the same image, but then before I can wake up I hear your screams in agony (begins to cry) . The scream jolts me awake in the middle of the night. And what scares me the most is I can't get them to stop
Sarada: oh my god boruto why didn't you tell me this was happening. I want to help you
Boruto: I don't think you can the therapist said their is nothing she can do as far as mental health
Sarada: well maybe we should look for a new one.
Boruto: ya maybe
Sarada: (hugs him tight) I'm sorry for doubting you. And we're going to get through this together I promise (kisses him)
They both go to bed
Sarada: (stays up and watches him sleep to wait for the nightmare)
Ten minutes later
Sarada: (sees him start moving around) he must be having one (hugs him to try and get him to stop) that won't work (notices he is having Chakra pool in his head) wait maybe is I tap into that chakra I can see what he sees (puts both her hand over his head) (links with him)
Travels into his mind
Sarada: oh my goodness look at all this destruction this can't be the leaf village
Boruto: help me Sarada (falls over)
Sarada: bolt!!! (Runs to him and hold him)
Boruto: I keep getting weaker I can't keep you safe
Sarada: I'll protect you don't worry
Boruto: (coughs) run please
Sarada: (sees a black line zip across the sky over and over and starry getting closer) (gets scared) no I won't leave (activates magekyo) (created sussano shield around them) the thing can't get in but I can't keep the shield
Boruto: leave Sarada I can handle him
Sarada: no you can't what kind of wife would I be if I abandoned you when you needed me the most(stand up) I will protect you until the end (focuses her chakra into the shield and expands it into the creature pushing it back) this will take everything I have (focuses more and destroys the creature) (faints in dream)
Both wake up
Boruto: (sweats)
Sarada: (hugs him emotionally) oh boruto your ok
Boruto: ya thank you Sarada how could I ver repay you
Sarada: you don't have to Baka we both promised to protect each other with our lives and I was going to save you 😊(smile)😌
Boruto: thank you but next time if I say to run you need to run for Akiras sake
Sarada: NO!!! You would never let me face a challenge like this alone so I won't let you. I will always be their to help you boruto just tell me next time
Boruto: I guess I just felt embarrassed
Sarada: don't be I'm your wife always be honest with me
Boruto: ok (kiss) starting now. I honestly love you with all my heart
Sarada: awww me too honey
Boruto: I think you look very hot right now too
Sarada: 😕 really bolt not now
Boruto: ok ok let's go to bed right now
Sarada: I said not right now but definitely tomorrow (winks)
Boruto: (blush)
Sarada: cute (takes a kiss and giggles)

Borusara my one and only loveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz