Birth part 1

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Sarada is nine months pregnant 😁
Boruto: (walking home from getting a few things at the store) (opens the door) hey sarada
Sarada: hey babe
Boruto: (kiss)
Sarada: 🥰
Boruto: how are you feeling you should be resting
Sarada: I feel fine boruto me and the baby are fine
Boruto: but the due date is soon
Sarada: it will happen when it happens don't worry idiot
Boruto: will you always call me that
Sarada: yep 😘
Boruto: so what do you think for a name
Sarada: I don't know well......what would we put for a boy
Boruto: saruto?? 🤷‍♂️
Sarada: 😕 no
Boruto: hmm what about haruo
Sarada: that sounds good actually we'll go with that
Boruto: what about a girl
Sarada oh I know Akira (I got this name from high score girl I know I don't really need to write this but you should watch it)
Boruto: oh that sounds pretty
Sarada: ya that will be a perfect name
Boruto: ok let me just grab some water I'm thirsty then we'll watch tv or something (walks into kitchen)
Sarada; hey! do you think our parents are gonna give us some toys for the baby!!!!
Boruto: probably, especially our moms!!
Sarada: (screams in pain) aghhhhh
Boruto: honey what's wrong (runs to her)
Sarada: it hurts boruto 😫 I didn't want to stress you but I think I'm having contractions
Boruto: how far apart
Sarada I think 10 minutes
Boruto: ok ok well the doctor said we should go at 7 minutes so we have some more time before we go
Sarada: boruto Im scared I don't know what to do I don't know how to give birth
Boruto: it's ok honey it's going to be fine the doctors will take care of you
Sarada: ok I just don't want anything bad to happen I'm so scared I will mess up
Boruto: your gonna do great sarada if anyone can do it you can your the strongest woman I know
Sarada: I love you 🥺
Boruto: I love you too (kisses her forehead) do you want an epidural
Sarada: no I read it can delay the birth and hurt the baby I won't risk it
Boruto: ok that's fine feel free to squeeze my hand as hard as you want if it hurts
Sarada: ok boruto (grabs his hand) is it really gonna be ok (looks terrified)
Boruto: yes it's gonna be fine I promise now just try to relax it will go by a lot faster
Sarada: can you call our moms I need them for guidance I mean at least they have some it before maybe they can give me pointers or something (frantic)
Boruto: ok I'll call them just lays down on the bed and relax for a little bit I'll get some stuff together for the hospital (takes her to the bed) I'll be right back (about to leave)
Sarada: wait (grabs his arm) thank you boruto for all of this I couldn't be happier and you will be a wonderful father I love you my adorable husband
Boruto: I love you too my princess

This was a shorter part but this part on of two of the birthing of the child leave start if you liked the pat it was fun to right and I plan on making more cute scenes and some lemons in the future and trust me I'm not gonna stop making parts any time soon but they won't be extremely regularly updated but don't worry I will still get them to you

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