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Sarada: (wakes up slowly) (yawns) that was a good sleep (looks at bolt) oh he's still sleeping (puts her hand on his chest) (kisses his forehead gently) wake up boruto 😘🥰 (cuddles on top of him)
Boruto: awww babe I'm so sleepy
Sarada: I guess we can sleep a little longer (hugs him tighter) I'm very comfortable
Boruto: me too I love you 😘
Sarada: (little blush) (kiss) I love you too baby I wish we could stay like this forever
Boruto: forever and ever my love (kiss)
Sarada: you always know what to say don't you
Boruto: of course, but we should get up even though I would love to spend all day in bed with you
Sarada: don't temp me I have ways of making you stay (kisses his neck)
Boruto: no not here we have to go
Sarada: ok ok but you owe me later 😍😉😏
Boruto: what does that mean 😳
Sarada: it doesn't matter, just stay for a little while longer
Boruto: ok (lays back in bed) it's warm with you
Sarada: ya especially since it's so cold outside
Boruto: are you sure you don't want to go anywhere We can't just stay in bed
Sarada: why not your always so tired so I would rather be tired with you
Boruto: hmmm (lifts her up over his shoulder) come on baby
Sarada: ahhhhhh what are you doing
Boruto: (throws her on the couch) (kiss) how about we go through the village and see what's happening
Sarada: sure babe 😍🥰😘 just let me get dressed
Boruto: ok me too
Thirty minutes later
Boruto: honey are you done yet!!
Sarada: not yet
Five minutes later
Boruto: come on baby let's go (walks in bathroom)
Sarada: (naked) ahhhhh😱 😳
Boruto: sorry but get dressed we should go!!
Sarada: stop rushing me!! you always rush me!!
Boruto: only when your taking so long!!
Sarada: That's not fair!! (Pout) 😣 (closes door)
Five more minutes
Sarada: (opens door and comes out) (sadly says let's go)
Boruto: wait (grabs her hand) (pulls her to him) (hug) I'm so sorry
Sarada: I'm sorry too I shouldn't have yelled
Boruto: I love you 😘 (kiss)
Sarada: (giggle) all is forgiven now let's go
They walk through the town
Boruto: would you like to go into this store (points to a shop)
Sarada: ya looks good
They both walk in
Sarada:  wooowwwwww🤩🤩🤩🤩 look at all this stuff, so many shoes and dresses and underwear
Boruto: too bad not much for me
Sarada: I'm sure we could find something (darts around the room and grabs clothes) here take these and we'll go to the dressing
Boruto: all of them
Sarada: yep 👍
Their both in the dressing room
Boruto: could I get some privacy
Sarada: probably not 🥰
Boruto: ok fine (takes off his shirt)
Sarada: NYAHH
Boruto: wow you never make that noise in public
Sarada: shut up and keep going 😘
Boruto: (slips on first outfit) how's this
Sarada: 🤔 hmmm it looks good (grabs his arm) I can see you wearing it, what about the next one
Boruto: (tries on next one) I like this one 😁
Sarada: it's perfect I love it 😻
Boruto: (next outfit super sexy)
Sarada: (blushes hard) (steam) uhhh uhm I (slaps herself) it looks great (in mind- probably more fun to take off then put on)
Boruto: what's that pervy smile
Sarada: nothing let's go
They pay and leave
Boruto: thanks babe for taking me clothes shopping
Sarada: no problem it was fun to pick your outfits
Boruto: (grabs her face) (kisses her) thank you
Sarada: wow 😳
Boruto: sorry
Sarada no it was good 😌
Boruto: did I ever tell you how beautiful you look even without make up
Sarada: really
Boruto: yes and your the most important woman to me so I'll be right be right by your side forever and ever. We're our own family now
Boruto: Sarada???
Sarada: (jumps up and hugs him tight) idiot!! 😭why do you have to say things like that😖. I already love you and you make me feel like it's the first time again. (Kiss) I love you Baka , let's head home (wipes face)😭😚🥰😍
Shikadai: boruto Sarada their you are
Sarada: hi what's up
Shikadai: the hokage wants to send you guys on another mission
Sarada: What!!!!! Already
Shikadai: he said it's urgent to the security of the hidden leaf
Sarada: ok then we'll do it
Shikadai: here all the information (hands her a scroll) you will leave tomorrow at dawn (leaves)
Boruto: well I guess let's get packing
Sarada: ya it's just too bad I miss having alone time with you
Boruto: we will I promise
Sarada: ok but remember you owe me
Boruto: what does that mean
Sarada: it doesn't matter just be ready (kisses his cheek)
Boruto: (grabs her butt)
Sarada: (blush)
Boruto: too cute

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