Back in the village

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Boruto: were finally back guys it has been to long
Mitsuki: it sure was
Sarada: (pulls him to the side) (whispers) how are we gonna explain that we got engaged
Boruto: don't worry sarada (grabs her hand) we love each other if they know that they won't stand in our way
Sarada: (smiles)
They go meet with all there friends
Boruto: well I'm sure you guys will know sooner or later but
Sarada: We got engaged! 😁
Chocho: 😔finally I thought you guys would be engaged a while ago I mean you have been drooling over each other for some time but congrats
Shikadai: congrats bro
Inojin: good job boruto
Mitsuki: can I be the missionary?
Sumire: congrats (bitterly)
Namida: nice one sarada
Wasabi: you two are so cute
Boruto: well it was nice to see all you guys again but we have somewhere else to be (pulls sarada)
Sarada: where are we going
Boruto: my house because both our parents are there and we have to break the news
Sarada: oh right
At the house
Boruto: (is shaking while holding her hand)
Sarada: boruto don't be so tense everything will be fine
They walk in the house
Sarada: hey everybody
Sakura: hey dear(hugs her)
Sasuke: hey sarada
Hinata: your home(hugs boruto)
Naruto: how'd it go son
Boruto: it went well but I got a little injured (shows his bandages)
Sakura: those look bad
Sarada: ya but he's mostly fine now but we have news
Boruto: (gets nervous) me and sarada are...
Sarada: engaged 😁!!!
Sakura and hinata:(squeals like girls) omg we're so happy (go to Sarada and hug her)
Naruto: nice job son sarada will be a great wife and wonderful mother
Sasuke: (silent)
Boruto: master is something wrong (grabs Sarada's hand tight)
Sasuke: (draws his sword) I won't let you take my daughter (charges at boruto and tackles him through walls)
Boruto: (escapes his grip) master I don't want to fight you I love sarada I won't ever hurt her
Sasuke: your not strong enough to protect her you don't have the will either ( activates susanoo around him and boruto trapping them)😡😡😡🤬
Naruto: Sasuke stop( tries to break in) let go of my son 😡
Sarada: (cries) STOP PLEASE this was my fault don't hurt him ( breaks through but hole is closed right behind her)
Boruto: stay back he's lost it
Sasuke: ( knocks boruto over) I'm gonna kill you for trying to take my daughter I know your lying to her and just trying to deceive her( lifts sword over boruto) (swings sword down)
Sarada: NOOOO!!!! (Hugs boruto and shields him from her father)
Sasuke: (stops inches away from sarada)
Sarada: I love him, there is nothing that would make me happier then being his wife so (crying) I won't let you kill him I'll die before I let him get hurt again!!! 😭All those marks on his chest were from him protecting me and he almost died because of it. So please just stop it he's my one and only😣  (holds boruto closer to her)
Sasuke: ok........ I'll let you marry her boruto because she shows only love for you, willing to sacrifice herself for you but if she ever gets hurt or you ever break her heart your dead 😡
Boruto: thank you master I promise to spend everyday making her happy
Sarada: thank you (kisses boruto) I'll take him home and fix him up
Boruto: thanks
They both go home and after he is fixed

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