Week later

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Boruto: (wakes up) (looks to his left) hey where's Sarada
Sarada: (vomits in toilet)
Boruto: honey what's wrong (runs in the bath room with her)
Sarada: morning (vomits) sickness
Boruto: I'm sorry Sarada
Sarada: you should be 😡 you did this to me
Boruto: that's not fair we both wanted a baby
Boruto: (stands up) (leaves the bathroom and waits outside) (sad)
Sarada: (opens the door) (doesn't say anything) (hugs him tight) I'm sorry boruto I'm just scared I don't want to be alone
Boruto: you won't be, ill be here with you the whole time
Sarada: (cry's) I don't know how to have a baby (sniffles) I don't want to mess everything up for us😭😭
Boruto: you won't because your not alone I will help you the whole way just relax let me stress about all the details
Sarada: I just.... want to have this baby so bad and I'm scared
Boruto: of what
Sarada: I just don't to mess up because I'm afraid if I can't give you a baby you'll stop loving me 😣😭
Boruto: no what I could never stop loving you
Sarada: I'm sorry I'm a mess right now it's the hormones, I can't control it
Boruto: you don't have to, your pregnant, you have the right it be a little crazy
Sarada: 😭thank you (hugs him tighter) dork😣
Boruto: how about we go out for breakfast
Sarada: that sounds good but where
Boruto: how about to the new pancake house
Sarada: ya and after we can go baby shopping
Boruto: ohhh ya right (in mind- damnit I forgot)
Sarada: 😁😁😁 lets go (jumps on his back) carry me
Boruto: sure my love
At pancake place (I'm too lazy to think of a name
Boruto: I think I'm just getting the pancake and hash browns how about you
Sarada: maybe the oatmeal and the waffles and toast with maybe some pickles on the side
Boruto: I think your cravings are kicking in because you don't like pickles
Sarada: ya your right I'll just stick to the waffles
They order and food arrives and they both scarf it down fast
Boruto: wow that was amazing
Sarada: ya (burp) sorry
Boruto: haha
Sarada: ya let's go to the baby store for some stuff
Boruto: yep let's go
They get to the store
Sarada: oh my god it's so cute 😊
Boruto: ya it's all very nice
Sarada: were gonna need some stuff over here
Boruto: oh ya we need that stroller and those clothes would look good on them (grabs a onesie for the baby and inspects it) hey Sar-
Sarada: (takes the baby shirt throws it around his neck and pulls him in for a long kiss) (she kisses him roughly while sucking on his tongue and bitting his lip) I want you
Boruto: wait Sarada
Sarada: I want you right now (kisses his neck) (takes off his jacket)
Boruto: wait Sarada we can't we're in public we can't just do it out here (grabs her shoulders and stops her)
Sarada: 😭😭 why do you already not want me!! (cry's) (runs in bathroom)
Boruto: wait Sarada (chases her into the bathroom) what's wrong why are you acting so strange
Sarada: because you don't love me anymore (cry's) if you don't love me now how are you gonna be when I'm fat and need you
Boruto: WHAT no way Sarada I love you more than ever (hugs her)
Sarada: no you don't (cry's) before your would have had me right their, now you don't even want me
Boruto: (grabs her face) (kisses her)
Sarada: huh
Boruto: I love you Sarada I love you with all the heart (puts her hand on his heart) I love you and our child and nothing could ever change that because what I love about you is not your looks (smiles) I love your laugh and smile and the way you worry about me and care about me (wipes her face) I love waking up next to you everyday I love talking all night with you because your not just my wife your my best friend and losing you would hurt me more than you could imagine (kisses her forehead) I love you idiot 😊
Sarada: (hugs him) I'm so sorry 😭 I can't control any of my feeling I'm going crazy😖 I love you too boruto I will try to be more normal next time
Boruto: you don't have to be your pregnant Sarada and besides we're both pretty far from normal
Sarada: ya I guess your right 😂
Boruto: haha
Sarada: but thank you for understanding I need your support now more than ever because I don't have a clue how to have our baby
Boruto: me neither but we will figure it out and ask our moms if we need help
Sarada: ya your right
Boruto: don't worry honey everything will be fine (hugs her tight)
Sarada: with you I know it will

Borusara my one and only loveМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя