DDD Part 5

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Boruto: (runs into all the other rooms and releases the boys)
Mitsuki: thanks boruto how did you do this
Boruto: I drugged their alcohol but honestly I think they still would have passed out drunk
Naruto: haha 😂 well at least we're free now
Boruto: ya but what do we do the drug will probably only last another hour or two. What do we do
Sasuke: We could put them in the jail cell
Boruto: theirs a jail cell???
Sasuke: yes it was and it should hold them
Shikadai: why don't we just leave
Naruto: if we leave other girls will see and try to catch us or they will let these girls free
Boruto: then I guess our best shot of surviving is to stay
Sai: we can use these 4 chains on hinata tsunade Ino and Sakura
Boruto: are you sure their isn't more I'm sure they will try and escape
Sai: no their isn't but the cell should hold

All the boys put the girls in the cell

Boruto: hopefully this works (locks the cell door)
Naruto: ok let's lock the door to the room too
Boruto: wait shouldn't someone watch them
Sasuke: your right 🤨
Shikadai: I guess I'll do it
Boruto: ok then be careful (hands him the keys)

An hour later
Hinata: (wakes up) what happened? (Hangover)
All the girls start the wake up
Sumire: how did this happen
Sarada: I don't know 😔 but we're stuck here
Shikadai: we decided to stick you girls in here because we're tired of DDD
Ino: that's not fair
Shikadai: that's a drag (grabs some food and water) stay healthy because your staying here until December is over
Hinata: you won't get away with this
Shikadai: most of this was borutos idea
Sarada: that idiot tricked me 😡
Sumire: (yawns) it's still late I can't stay awake anymore
All the girls start falling asleep again
Sarada: (whispers) how are we gonna get out of here they plan on just leaving us here
Tsunade : we need to get out of here
Sarada: but how
Tsunade: the bars look to strong so we need to get the key
Sarada: can't Ino just mains control him
Tsunade: no the bars block chakra
Sarada: then how?
Tsunade: you'll have to lure him to the cell and take it from him
Sarada: lure how?
Tsunade: try something I'm really weak and I can't get out of these chains (falls asleep)
Sarada: (damnit how will I get out of here) (what would tsunade do (thinks) maybe I could trick him like they did to us) I've got it (unplugs the air conditioner)
Three minutes later
Sarada: (it's hot as hell this has to be getting to him😈) (looks)
Shikadai: (sweating but is not being distracted
Sarada: (damnit I thought the heat would work (thinks) (shikadai is a worse pervert than boruto so maybe if I use my sexy charm on him he'll get close enough) (it's worth a shot I can't let boruto win again)
Shikadai: (looks over at Sarada)
Sarada: (sweating and panting hard) (stand by the bars)
Shikadai: (she looks hot) are you ok (gets up and moves toward her)
Sarada: it's so hot in here (fans herself with one hand) I can't take it anymore I'm sweating everywhere (rubs her hand down her face)
Shikadai: (watches the water run down her chest)
Sarada: it's just sooo hot (starts to unzip her top) (almost showing her bra)
Shikadai: (can't stop watching her and gets turned on) (oh my god her body is incredible how could boruto get a girl like that) (almost drools 🤤
Sarada: (this is too easy I've almost got him) pervert
Shikadai: I'm not a pervert
Sarada: (seductive voice) is that why you won't stop staring at my breasts (pulls down her dress exposing her bra)
Shikadai: (eyes widen) (gets hard)
Sarada: (bites her lip) (looks at his dick)
is that for me 😏 (he's so small 😂 I have to make this fast to get back to boruto)
Shikadai: (screw it she's thirsty as hell) (gets closer) (she's so fucking hot I have to do it) (gets closer)
Sarada: (perfect) 😈(pull in his head and snaps it) dummy (checks his pulse) phew he's alive (takes his keys) (gets out) ok bolt it's time for payback

Probably one more part and then a more normal story line
And then I might start writing my new book about borusara. Don't worry I won't stop writing this one but I think you'll like the other one.

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