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애 정_BoruSara4ever_ who is a great youtuber who I hope will follow in the footsteps of borutos dad and bring many great videos and he can feel free to us any parts of my book Please leave some support for him in the comments and follow him on youtube and Instagram

They get to the house and is secluded and has its own private beach
Boruto: here it is😄
Sarada: wow 🤩 this is so beautiful the beach is so cool and the sand and ocean look so peaceful
Boruto: (smirks like a dork) anything for you my darling (kisses her)
Sarada: 🥰 what do you wanna do first
Boruto: well we could go catch a movie and some dinner then go for a late night swim
Sarada: (thinks about how romantic that would be) (blushes) that sounds perfect!! (Jumps on him kissing him)
Boruto: your excited 😆
Sarada: well I have someone to be excited about, oh wait I should probably get ready
Boruto: ok I'll be in the unpacking I guess
Sarada: thanks (runs in bathroom with stuff)
Time skip
Boruto: sarada are you ready
Sarada: don't rush me Baka 😡
Boruto: sorry 😐 (frightened)
Sarada: I finished what do you think (smiles)
Boruto: (nosebleed) wow 😳 you look stunning (she's wearing a a beautiful red blouse and white jeans and has cute heart ear rings)
Sarada: really it's that good it's new and I was afraid it would look different on me
Boruto: (looks at her breasts like a pervert)
Sarada: (notices him) 😔 your a perv boruto
Boruto: what I wasn't doing anything (looks away)
Sarada: you were looking at my boobs you dork
(Takes his hands) is this what you wanted (turns around places his hand on her breasts)
Boruto: (face turns red)
Sarada: (presses her butt against him) you can play with my tits all you want we're married and besides I love your treatment, you make my body feel like heaven
Boruto: (shocked by how dirty she's getting) (massages her breasts and kisses her neck)
Sarada: boruto 💦
Boruto: (bites her neck)
Sarada: (moans) no no wait we're gonna miss dinner
Boruto: oh ya your right (a little disappointed and embarrassed because he got hard)
Sarada: ya let's go (nervous because she got wet)
Skip to resturant
Sarada: wow this place looks amazing 🤩
Boruto: ya apparently some movie stars go here
Sarada: wow really maybe we'll see some
Boruto: let's sit over by the window
Waiter: yes sir
Sarada: the view is spectacular the ocean is just so beautiful with the full moon
Boruto: your right but your even more beautiful honey
Sarada: (blushes) thank you boruto ☺️ (grabs menu) hey the steaks seem good here
Boruto: oh ya I was just thinking that
Sarada: beside it has to be better than those mission rations we eat haha
Boruto: haha your right
Sarada: your shirt looks nice is that the one I got for you
Boruto: of course I can't shop well I always get something that never matches anything
Sarada: haha you know boruto (grabs his hand from across the table) I love spending quality time with you, just the two of us 😘
Boruto: Me too and we're married now so the funs just beginning (teases her)
Sarada: still a perv as always but since we're talking about sex how many kids should we have I was thinking two
Boruto: two? I can do two but don't you think it's too early to think about kids I mean we still have so much time for it to just be you and me
Sarada: ya but I've always wanted to have a child and especially start a wonderful family with you
Boruto: I do too but maybe after our honeymoon we should take our time I mean we're still young
Sarada: ya and beside I don't want our kids to interrupt our dirty games (eyes him)
Boruto: oh really I love how dirty you are
Sarada: tonight I'll show you (presses her boobs together with her arms to tease boruto) (smirks)
Boruto: (blushes) Sarada I think you need to be punished
Sarada: oh wait someone's coming
Girl Waiter: hello I'm your waiter I will be serving you today can we start with something to drink
Boruto: uhm I'll have a rum and coke
Girl Waiter: good choice, I have to say you shirt looks amazing (low key flirts)
Boruto: thank you my wife got it for me
Girl Waiter: well it looks very good 😁
Sarada: (in mind what's she doing) 🤬 (calms down a little) I'll have a watermelon margarita
Girl Waiter: oh ....ya sure I'll be right back (looks at boruto again) (winks) (walks away)
Sarada: what was that 😡
Boruto: what?
Sarada: you too were flirting right in front of me 🥺 😣
Boruto: I was not flirting
Sarada: 😡grrrrrrr I wish all the other girls weren't trying to steal you from me
Boruto: what are you talking about
Sarada: well she's not the only one other girls keep looking at you and saying how handsome you are ,it's just a little intimidating
Boruto: well I'm sure it's heartbreaking for them to hear that I'm already in love with the most amazing girl in the world
Sarada: 🙃ok I'll let it slide this time but next time the bitch is getting slapped
Boruto: I guess that's fair
Sarada: sorry I'm a little aggressive it's just I don't like them trying to compete with me I mean I love you and I don't want them to steal you away from me
Boruto: sarada that's never gonna happen because I love you too and I will spend the rest of my life with you I promise 😁
Sarada: you really do know how to charm a girl don't you
Boruto: haha
Waiter: here are your drinks (hands bolt his drink and Sarada) are you ready to order
Boruto: ya I'll have the steak fillet
Sarada: oh I'll have that too
Waiter: right away (shoots him a flirty look) (walks away)
Sarada: grrrrrrrrrrr
Boruto: it's ok honey
Sarada: I'm fine (not fine)
Time skip they finished dinner and walked by the the houses private beach
Boruto: your right the water looks so amazing
Sarada: ya it's so peaceful out here
Boruto: do you want to swim
Sarada: ya but I'm in my clothes
Boruto: I can fix that (slips her clothes off leaving her in her white underwear and bra
Sarada: boruto!!!! 😳😳😱
Boruto: it's ok no one can see
Sarada: ok I guess it's ok then
Boruto: (takes off his shirt and pants leaving only his underwear)
Sarada: (blushes) so sexy 🥰
Boruto: what?
Sarada: nothing
Boruto: come on (grabs her hand and brings her into the water)
Sarada: (splashes him) haha
Boruto: (splashes back and spins her around)
Sarada: (play wrestles with him)
Boruto: (flips her over)
Sarada: ahhhhhhh cheater 😂 (splashes him)
Boruto: I'm not a cheater all's fair
Sarada: I'm kinda tired (grabs onto him) (looks in his eyes)
Boruto: (looks at her) (kisses her passionately)I can't resist your beautiful lips Sarada
Sarada: let's go inside I can't wait
Boruto lifts her up and goes inside straight to the shower

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